Chapter 21: We'll Never Be Royals ||

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21. We’ll Never Be Royals

[Liam’s POV]

We trekked across the forest for a long time, wandering aimlessly looking for a royal heart. I lead the pack, Louis not far behind, and Niall on top of Harry’s back.

“I’m tired,” Niall whined as he slumped more on Harry’s back.

“You’re tired? Really babe?” Harry huffed as he readjusted Niall so he could walk a bit more.

“Liam, are we almost there?” Niall called out.

“I don’t know Ni,” I called back. I stopped walking so the other lads could catch up to me. I looked around us, and it seemed as though we had been here before. It was all beginning to look the same to me. I mean, every mushroom was huge and every flower can talk. I sighed as the boys caught up to me.

“Maybe we should ask for directions, yeah?” Harry said as he lowered Niall to the ground. Niall looked as though he didn’t want to get off, but he reluctantly slid off of Harry and settled for nuzzling into his side.

“No, I just- I dunno, something’s not right.” As soon as I said that I heard a soft thumping coming our way. I’m guessing the other guys heard it too because they all looked in the same direction I was.

We all saw it at the same time, a white rabbit with an alarmingly large clock.

“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!” He whimpered as he came running down the forest. I raised an eyebrow, wondering where he was going, but I think Harry knew what was going on. The white rabbit went to run right past us, but Harry wouldn’t allow it. Instead, Harry refrained the rabbit by scooping him up by the ears, effectively stopping him in its tracks.

“Harry, don’t hurt the bunny!” Niall whined. Harry rolled his eyes and focused on the bunny.

“Where you running off to bud?” Harry asked as he held the restless rabbit.

“I’m late!” The white rabbit protested.

“I’m hungry. I was thinking some rabbit stew.” Harry’s eyes grew into slits and the white rabbit’s eyes grew in fear and he shook out of fear.

“Harry Edward Styles!” Niall said as he yanked the rabbit out of Harry’s grasp. “That is no way to treat a defenseless animal!”

“Babe I-”

“Shame on you!” Niall placed the white rabbit down, the latter looking appreciatively at Niall. “Please, Mr. Rabbit, can you tell us where you’re going. We have to get out of here for a friend, and he needs us. You understand, yeah?”

“Well, I’m going to see the queen. She has a trial at the moment,” the white rabbit said as he wiggled his nose.

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