Chapter 14: I'm Not Afraid ||

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14. I’m Not Afraid

[Zayn’s POV]

I rode on Felipe’s back as we slowly trotted our way through the forest and all of its eeriness. I kept whipping my head around if I believed I saw something out of my peripheral vision. I swear I am going to get whiplash if I keep this up.

“This is ridiculous,” I mumbled to myself. In all honesty, it truly was. I mean, I’m trusting a horse that may or may not be my father’s, to guide me to where he is located. I mean, can a horse really do that? I know animals are smart, usually smarter than people, but come on; this horse is no special unit tracker dog.

I sighed as we trotted and Felipe huffed in annoyance. Obviously he was just as much on edge as I was. I shrugged apologetically.

“Sorry bud. I know it’s creepy,” I said as I scratched the back of his ear. The branches loomed above us, only moving with the gentle breeze that blew. Luckily I had on a hooded cape and a pair of pants with a poofy shirt.

While riding on Felipe, I decided to figure out what tale I was in. Maybe, if I could figure it out, then I could manipulate the story properly, and not the train wreck that was the ‘Little Mermaid’ gone wrong. I mean, if I can control it to the point of getting out of here, then maybe, just maybe, I could just go back to my dorm and study. I have no interest in this recklessness anymore.

“Hey, Felipe?” I felt crazy for talking to a horse, but since this is all created by Rae, wouldn’t he have to know something? “You wanna help me out boy?”

The horse whinnied and shook his head in a motion that could easily be interpreted as a head nod. I smiled and patted him tenderly on the top of his head.

“Alright, um, how do I do this?” I asked out loud. I knew the horse wasn’t going to answer, but it was for my own personal thoughts over Felipe. I just kind of had the urge to ask a question out loud.

“Um, do you know what’s going on?” This time I was talking to Felipe, and he must’ve realized it because he nodded.

“Okay!” I was excited that at least I could ask questions regarding all this. “Is this wh-”

Before I could even finish asking Felipe anything, he stepped on a branch, which happened to break in two. This spooked him and caused him to buck me off. I landed on my butt rather hard, but I frowned as I watched Felipe run off into the night.

“Felipe!” I called after the horse, but to no avail; he was long gone. I sighed, readjusted my knapsack, and continued on my way.

I didn’t walk for too long until I found myself facing a rather large castle. It was very nice, but it was also spooky. I mean, there seemed to be moss hanging from the gargoyles’ mouths. Yes, this ‘spooky’ castle had gargoyles. I refrained from rolling my eyes as I entered the place.

I felt odd, just walking into the castle like I did, but I doubt anyone would hear the knock. I mean, the place looked abandoned. If no one was here, I would stay the night and figure out things in the morning. But still, this wasn’t my place. What if the owner came back and tried to kill me?

I shuddered at the thought and ventured further into the seemingly abandoned abode.

“Hello?” I called out softly. I mentally smacked myself, knowing that barely anyone could hear that. I was just being timid again.

“Hello there!”

I heard a voice and I stopped creeping in the main foyer. I looked around, but there wasn’t anyone there. Yes, I was genuinely freaked out because I was now hearing voices. What was going on with me? Maybe I was losing my mind. Maybe this whole thing was me going insane.

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