Chapter 9: If You Could See Me Now ||

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9. If You Could See Me Now

[Zayn’s POV]

I felt a tingling sensation running down my fin and before I knew it I had legs.

I had legs.

In the middle of the ocean.

Where I can’t swim.

This all hit me as I felt myself sinking towards the bottom. If it weren’t for Niall and Harry dragging back up, lord knows what would’ve happened.

I gasped for air as I was dragged towards the shore. I looked down to see, surprisingly, I had on a pair of shorts, but Niall and Harry were out of breath as they stopped dragging me when we reached shallow water.

“Man you’re a heavy human,” Harry said as I dragged my body further on the sand.

“Oh hush,” I said, scowling at my fish friend. “Look, I don’t know when this will wear off, so I just need to find Liam and then-”

“Who’s there?” I heard Liam’s voice call out.

Niall and Harry dove back underwater while I proceeded to stand up from the sand. I brushed off as much of the crap as I could, but that stuff was just everywhere. I mean, literally, everywhere. I fidgeted as the dog Liam was playing with came around the corner of the beach and made a beeline towards me. He barked at me continuously, but not harshly. He was rather friendly and quite shaggy.

“Hey buddy,” I cooed as I petted the furry creature. He seemed happy to see me, so I wasn’t gonna complain. It would’ve been my luck if he hated me.

“Heel boy!” Liam said as he came closer. The dog quit barking and jumping at me, but he stood by my feet, panting with excitement. I took my focus off the dog and looked up at Liam, only to be shocked as to what was before me.

“Sorry about that,” he said as he patted his thigh for the dog to come by his side. “He’s really well behaved, I just don’t know what got over him.”

“I-It’s alright,” I said, jumbling my words.

“Sorry, but are you from here? You don’t sound too familiar.”

I took a moment to respond seeing as Liam couldn’t see me. In fact, he was blind. I cursed under my breath at the gypsy and her games. I shouldn’t have taken her word. She decided to make Liam blind so he couldn’t see me. But why?

“Um, no. I was lost at sea and I washed up here,” I said, lying through my teeth.

“Why are you lying?”

His bluntness caught me off guard. I mean, jeez, that was fast. I blinked at him incredulously, and then I remembered he couldn’t see my expression. I’m guessing with the long pause, he figured out I was wondering how he did that.

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