Chapter 5: If The Shoe Fits ||

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5. If the Shoe Fits

[Zayn’s POV]

We had gotten in the carriage, yeah I know ridiculous right? Anyways, we were making our way across the town, stopping at the houses of the guests that had come from near and far to attend the ball. Let me tell you, there were a lot of them.

Harry was slumping in his seat as we made our way to the next house. He looked so disheartened. If he looked like that, I didn’t even want to imagine how I was looking.

“Cheer up Haz!” I said lightly as a feigned a smile. “We’ll find him.”

“But Zayn, we’ve been at this for hours and so far nothing. What if he wasn’t even from the town? What if he was a party crasher?” Harry said as he frowned a bit more.

“I doubt it.”

“Really? He didn’t tell you his name or anything about himself.”

“He’s just selfless.”

“Oh my gosh you are ridiculous.”

I snapped up and looked over at Harry. For some reason, that didn’t sound anything like the storybook Harry I’ve been around lately. That sounded like my roommate and friend Harry.

“Haz?” I said cautiously.

“I’m just sayin’ mate,” he said as he perched his feet up. “Ya hate the kid, but you love him-”

“Harry!” I exclaimed as I threw myself on him.

“Um what the hell are you wearing?” Harry asked as he pushed me off him gently.

“Really? Look at yourself.”

Harry looked down as his face morphed from playfulness to utter confusion. He looked up at me and stared back and forth from me to his outfit for a few moments.

“Harry, why are you just realizing everything now?”

“I dunno. I thought I passed out and I wake up and this is us,” he said as he continued to be in a daze. “Wait a minute. Where’s Niall?”

“I dunno! I mean we saw him last night at the ball-”

“Ball? What ball? What are you actually talking about?” Harry asked.

“Um, what do you remember?” I asked sheepishly.

“I remember you coming out of the tent. That’s it.”

“Okay, well we’re in some kind of story and there was a ball and Liam was there, but I didn’t get his name and he left at midnight and it was a mess.”

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