Chapter 7: Anything Could Happen ||

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7. Anything Could Happen

[Zayn’s POV]

I opened my eyes as I felt a streamline of bubbles rush past my face. A school of fish had just swum by and I couldn’t help but smile and giggle as the bubbles tickled my face. That’s when I noticed more bubbles were coming out of my own mouth.

I screamed, and of course more bubbles came out. I clasped my hands over my mouth, and that’s when it really hit me.

I was underwater.

I was actually underwater and I wasn’t drowning. I looked down to see my feet kicking, but they weren’t there. Instead my feet had been replaced with a dark blue fin. Like a mermaid tale.

I smiled to myself, surprisingly knowing what story I was in.

What the gypsy-evil-she-witch lady failed to take into account is that I had two sisters. Two very girly sisters who enjoyed watching Disney movies and lived for all the fairytale junk. I remember the exact day I sat down and watched the Little Mermaid with them. I hated it. She was dumb and gave up everything for some boy.

I sighed and began to swim towards the surface. Why? Well I just knew at some point in the story it would happen. At least I think it did. My memory was a bit hazy considering I’ve only seen the movie once or twice.


I stopped to only laugh a bit as I saw a fish swimming up to me. It resembled what turned out to be Harry.

“Oh my gosh,” I said as he swam into me. “What’s the matter with you?”

“With me? Come on! You were the one about to swim up there!”

“It’s just the surface,” I said as I gently pushed Harry off of my stomach.

“Oh no no. You know what’s up there?”


“Humans!” Harry said as he got in front of me, causing me to stop swimming. “Your father said-”

“Really my father? He doesn’t care,” I said pushing Harry out of the way and making my way on land.

I came up from the water and looked around. It was weird to see things from this angle, but still nice. I enjoyed the sights until I heard a seagull squawking my name.


I looked over to see the seagull on a tiny island in the middle of the water, and I knew exactly who it was.

“Hey Lou!” I said as I swam over towards him.

Once Upon A Twisted Tale (Ziam AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu