My brows narrow as I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm working alone I don't-"

"I don't think it was a question. Now, are you reading, or am I?" Great, you got him mad Linda, I let out a sigh as I begin, but before I can finish my sentence. He places his hand on the page and leans into my ear. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get angry." 

I turn to look at him, and instantly I regret it. He's so close, and for some reason, a shiver goes down my spine. Yet, that's not the only thing I regret. Just seeing him upset and hearing the guilt lingering in his voice as he spoke makes me bad. I close my eyes and lean back, trying to calm the many emotions going through me, guilt also being one of them.

"Look, it wasn't your fault, but I think its best if you leave me alone." I turn my attention back to the textbook in front of me.

"I can't do that." 

"And why is that," I ask "Clearly your girlfriend- ex or whatever she is to you doesn't want me around you. I honestly have enough shit to deal with I don't need more drama in my life right now."

"First off, that was the past, but I also want to apologize for her behavior yesterday-" I shake my head yet he continues "-and second" He hesitates for a moment, and I can see his hands ball to fists as if frustrated with himself. "I can't leave you alone because something about you makes me want to get close."

I turn back to him, his expression completely serious. "We just meet theirs no way-"

"I know, believe me. You're not the only one thinking this way too." He mutters the last part, but I still catch it.

 "Well, good luck with that, because I'm not changing my mind. I'd rather avoid all this than-"

"How about this, we talk and hang out without Zoe knowing. Saves you the drama, and it gives us a chance to get to know each other. Because I know you feel the same, you're curious about me, I can see it in your eyes."

So he noticed.

"Do you believe people will stay quiet if we hang out. If they saw us." His shoulders slightly relax with my words, and he nods, "Believe me, just because this school loves to gossip, doesn't mean they'll all say anything to Zoe or anything close for her to hear, and we can hang outside of school. Besides, not everything revolves around me." The way he says that last part has me looking back at him. He looks stiff, as if hating the fact that what he said wasn't true, which judging by yesterday its not.  

"Yeah, you're forgetting about the female population, clearly your the center of their universe-"

He sticks his hand out, cutting me off once again. "Friends?" 

Okay, he doesn't want to talk about, but you would think that a guy like him would love it, being in the head and heart of a lot of people, guess not. He clears his throat and gestures to his hand, and judging by the way he seems so persistent, there's no way I can get out of this one, but a small part of me also wants to agree. I shake my head and place my hand in his "You better not make me regret this."

  A smile forms on his lips, and his hand tightens on mine before letting go.

"Alright, friend. Let's get to work, shall we."

I honestly hope I don't regret this.


I can feel Derek eyes on me from over here, and how do I know this, well because I've caught him several times. He would wink and send me smiles, everyone around him completely unaware of his actions. I'm still not completely happy with the choice I made, but curiosity got the best of me and you know what they say curiosity killed the cat, let's hope it doesn't kill me. 

"You okay, Amanda?" I meet Alexanders gaze from across the table, Sarah sitting next to him.

I nod, don't need them worrying about me too.

"Has she said anything?" Jessica asks from beside me while gesturing behind Brenda. I glance over Brenda and see Zoe staring at me before turning her attention back to her friends.

I shake my head "No, she hasn't," she nods while sending a glare at Zoe.

"You have pretty eyes, Amanda," says Luke, who's sitting on the other side of me, with a smile on his face as he leans in closer.

"Thanks," I reply, even if they're not my real eye color. He winks when he notices me slowly backing away, and just before I can say anything. He grabs some of my fires and stuffs it in his mouth.

"I see what you did there," I say, trying to keep a straight face- all while letting out a breath I've been holding. Honestly, if he would have kissed me. Things would have been awkward- will for me since I'm- 

He puts his hands up defensively, yet I can see a smirk tugging on his lips. "What? I didn't do anything."

I roll my eyes and hand him the rest of my fires.

"You see, that's what I call a true friend. Someone willing to share their food," Luke exclaims, looking at everyone around the table.

Sure enough, they all playfully glare at him while I stay there and laugh. Yep, things would have definitely been awkward.


I reach my fourth class and take a seat in the back close to the windows, dragging my bag to my lap as I take a seat and pull out my notebook- accidentally hitting the person beside me when doing so.  

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I don't get bruised easily."

My eyes snap to her immediately "Eva! What are you doing here?"

"I happen to have this class too," She answers smiling.

"Really? I don't remember seeing you here yesterday."

"Yeah, I had to leave early," she explains "but how was your first day?" This causes a frown to appear on my lips and slightly spoil my good mood.

"Not so good" I explain, writing the date on the right-hand corner of a clean page of notebook paper, " I had an encounter with queen bee yesterday."

Eva raises a brow "yeah I heard, but I didn't pay attention, most of the people in this school love to make up rumors and talk gossip." I nod. See Derek I told you.

"So what did she say? People in the cafeteria only saw her go up to you and everyone at your table stood up. Everyone thought a fight was going to happen. These people miss those but you can't really blame them, it's been a while since anyone fought, but I mean come on though, let's not look desperate by saying that she's gonna fight the new girl- that makes no sense. Fighting someone you don't know." 

"Well I don't think she was going to fight me but she did say- no warned me to stay away from Derek."  I explain, slightly gripping the pencil in my hand.

"Of course she did " mutters Eva to herself while shaking her head, anger in her blue eyes.

"Hey, its okay, don't worry I got it handled," I say, she looks at me and nods. Just as I'm about to say something to stir the topic away from this and try to lighten the mood,  the teacher finally decides to show up and start class.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed

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