the best friend~kyle broflovski x reader

Start from the beginning

(y/n) giggled. “i asked if you were a good artist,” she smiled.

“oh,, i wouldn’t say that i’m good, but i do draw a lot,” kyle muttered.

“draw something for me,” (y/n) beamed, handing kyle a drawing pad, a pencil, and her coloring materials. kyle looked blankly down at the page. what was he to draw?

“i...don’t know…” kyle began.

“stop it,” (y/n) grinned, “i know you can draw. i’ve seen some of your sketches; they’re amazing. stop doubting yourself.”

kyle opened his mouth to say something back, but instead, he looked back down at the paper, pencil in hand. he knew what he was gonna draw now.


by the time kyle and (y/n) had finished dinner and it was time for him to go home, he still hadn’t finished the drawing.

“kyle...?” (y/n) whispered as she held the door open for kyle to leave.

“yeah?” kyle asked.

“did you...finish the drawing for me?” (y/n) smiled sweetly.

“uh...not yet,” kyle stuttered, holding the drawing pad in his hand, “do you mind if i take it home to keep working on it?”

“oh, not at all, kyle,” (y/n) said lightly, “i’ll see you on monday, then. bye, kyle.”

“bye, (y/n),” kyle said.

as he walked home, he opened the drawing pad. only eraser marks danced across the first page. he kept redoing the drawing for (y/n) and now, he had nothing. he just didn’t know what to draw for her. but whatever it was going to be, he had to finish over the weekend, and it had to be beautiful.


kyle gazed at his perfectly drawn and perfectly shaded picture on sunday evening. he had finally finished after drawing it nonstop the whole weekend. it was a drawing of himself as a prince and (y/n) as a beautiful princess. he made sure (y/n) looked extremely beautiful. he couldn’t wait to show her tomorrow at school.

as if life was reading his mind, kyle’s cell phone rang. it was (y/n). kyle’s heart started racing as he slowly tapped “answer”.

“er...hello?” kyle said, clearing his throat awkwardly.

“kyle!” (y/n)’s cheery voice exclaimed.

“hey, (y/n), what’s up?”

“oh, kyle, i have such something to tell you!”

kyle’s heart started beating faster. what was it? was (y/n) going to say she liked him? oh, how silly was he, that would never happen.

kyle heard a muffled yell from the other end of the call.

“oh, um, kyle? my mom wants me off the phone,” (y/n) said, “but i’ll tell you tomorrow, okay?”

before kyle could say goodbye, (y/n) hung up. kyle threw his phone lightly onto his bed and flopped down on top of his beanbag. the tension was killing him!


monday morning. kyle was shaking slightly as he ate his cereal as quickly as possible. he was anxious to hear what (y/n) had to say. he quickly brushed his teeth, packed his backpack, and rushed out the door towards the bus stop.

stan, kenny, and cartman were already waiting on the sidewalk when kyle arrived. they all turned to face kyle and waved.

“hey, kyle,” they all greeted.

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