Chapter 39 - The Danger - Final part

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"Did you have sex with him Leninha?" Roger asked.

"Rog, and if I say I had sex with Kraus, to save you, will you forgive me?" Helena asked looking at her boyfriend with tears in her eyes.

Roger ran a hand over his face and there were tears in his eyes.

"Did you give yourself to him?" Where is he, Lena? Roger asked, devastated.

At that moment two policemen entered, holding Kraus and the other three students who are part of the sect.

- Kraus opened the game and is already speaking who owns the sect, everyone will be arrested still today - said the investigator.

Roger looked at Kraus with hatred.

"Damn, I'm going to kill him," Roger said angrily.

"Calm down, my love, calm down," Helena said, hugging Roger. "We need to talk, my love.

Roger hugged his girlfriend and Alan, Pamela and Vivian watched the couple.

"Talk to my friends," Alan smiled. "Let's make it a point of going out together tonight to celebrate the end of the sect.

Alan left with Pamela and Vivian and left only Roger and Helena alone. They looked at each other.

"My love, I did not give myself to the Kraus," Helena said, looking at Roger. "When I pretended to Kraus that I was going to surrender to him, Alan, Pamela and Vivian have already come with the police. I arranged all this with them and they were already arresting Kraus and the investigator asked the other boy, who was here, just waiting for what Kraus would say, if it was to kill you or not, he asked the boy to warn the other two that were with you that I had given to the Kraus, so they let you go.

Roger ran his hand over his girlfriend's face and kissed her lips in despair.

"I could not bear it if you had died, Rog," Helena said, hugging her boyfriend. "I could not bear it.

"And I could not bear it if you had surrendered to Kraus, I do not know if I could forgive her," Roger said.

"But if that were the last thing in the world to do, I would do to save you, Rog, my love," Helena said .

"Please, never do this, NEVER, if anyone asks, we will always find other ways to save ourselves from something. You're my girlfriend, my princess, my wife, just thinking that you can be from another guy I'm crazy, Helena - Roger said.

"Then calm my kitten," Helena said, running her hand over Roger's hair. "The sect is over, it's over with the nightmare." And I promise I'll never betray you and you're right, there must be other ways of facing anything, but I promise I will not betray you.

"My princess, I love you very much," Roger said, kissing her on the lips.

"I love you too, Rog," Helena said, kissing him. "I'm still a virgin, and I'll lose my virginity, with you, only with you."

Roger smiled at his girlfriend and kissed her once more.

Kraus and all his staff have been arrested and will be tried. The sect was over, finalized, and all fellows were free from the danger of crazy students, and Roger and Helena were much applauded by other students in the Biology building for having somehow confronted the sect and were fighting for better rights for college students of the Imperial College Biology course.

Brian, already knew what had happened and feared that something worse would happen to his friends, although he was not talking to Roger and Helena, the guitarist was afraid the two of them might die. The guitarist was crying secretly in the corridors of Imperial College, because he is trying to forgive them.

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