Chapter 22 - Helena's birthday - final part.

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At 8:30 p.m., Freddie, Brian and John arrived with Mary, Chrissy and Veronica and went along with Roger to leave the musical instruments tidy on the little stage set. Helena had also invited her friend Alicia and her cousin Ryan, Alan with Pamela, Tim Staffell, Claire , Roger's sister, Kevin and Lucy, their high school friends. Helena also invited Kraus, a biology student, from 1º.A. Kraus is also friends with Alan and always warned him not to join Roger's gang, the Taylor gang. Kraus helps Helena in her group of volunteers in college and is helping the young woman to write the college newspaper. Kraus does not like Roger much, but he respects Helena's decision to have joined the two college groups to work together.

Helena had also invited children of couples of friends of her parents, who has friendship, has around fifty people in the house. There was plenty of food and drink for the guests and Helena greeted each guest and took pictures with them. Carlos and Gilda are very proud of their unique daughter, who is beautiful, intelligent, hardworking and likes to help others. Everyone also admired and praised the beauty of Helen, which is more evident every day.

The hours passed and everyone was having fun at the party. Around midnight, the band started the performance and everyone was checking out QUEEN and how talented they are. Helena was very close to the stage, with the girls, taking pictures with the boys.

"We need to start a fan club for QUEEN," Clare said, smiling at the girls. "Sue and Paty Johnson, friends of my brother in Truro, run into a fan club for QUEEN and I want to know if you'd like to attend as well.

"Of course I confirm my participation, Clare," Helena smiled at Roger's sister. "I'll help you with anything you need.

Helena took the photo of the band, very enthusiastically and happily. Roger looked and smiled at Helena once and the brunette took a picture of the drummer. Brian looked passionately at Helena and smiled at her. Helena smiled back at him, not realizing that her friend was delighted by her. That's not going to end well. This is not a good sign.

Kraus, was in the background, watching QUEEN's participation, along with Alan and Pamela.

"The boys are very talented," smiled Pamela, hugging Alan. "I think they will be very successful in the future. They have a lot of talent.

"They'll be very talented, my love." QUEEN is a promising band, "Alan smiled.

Kraus, who was beside Alan, remained silent, just watching the band and the enthusiasm of the girls, mostly Helena.

The band performed for an hour and fifteen minutes and in the end were very applauded. Congratulations, Helena offered the first piece of cake for her parents and then for Alicia, her great friend. The third piece of cake, she offered the band and the boys thanked. After the congratulations and everyone had eaten the cake, Roger approached Helena.

" I have to give you your birthday present." He smiled at her.

"Rog, you do not have to bother, you do not have to spend money buying this gift for me, my biggest gift is the band's friendship, your friendship. I'm so glad we're friends, that's my biggest gift. "Helena looked at him.

"I already bought your gift." He smiled at her and pulled a small dark blue velvet box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

Helena opened the box and there was a silver chain with a pendant of infinite written: Helen and Roger eternal friendship.

- Rog, the silver chain with the pendant is beautiful - She smiled excited - And our names and sayings too. I loved.

He smiled at her.

"I'm glad you loved it, my angel." He smiled at her. "Can I put it on you, Lena?"

"Of course, Rog," Helena said, smiling.

Roger put the silver chain on Helena and she saw how beautiful she looked.

"I know we're friends not long ago, but it's as if I've known you for many years, Lena. I know that when we met, it was all disastrous, but now everything is different. Thanks to your help too, volunteering at the orphanage, I have become a better person, day after day. And I confess that this voluntary work, which is just with the judicial aspect, I got taste, I really am loving to work for those children by his side. Thank you for giving the opportunity to show my volunteer work for them, too. "He smiled at her.

Helena hugged Roger in a very loving and smiling way.

- I am very happy, from the bottom of my heart that you have taken pleasure in helping the children, that this has become a love for you. I am so happy that you have become a better person, Rog, who is increasingly becoming a wonderfully wonderful person. "Helena smiled at him. " You can count on me, for whatever you need, my friend.

Roger smiled and kissed the top of Helena's head and they held each other for a while. Clare, Roger's sister, on seeing the scene, smiled to herself and how happy she was that it happened.

Brian was with Chrissy, but he was very jealous to see his friend / brother hugged Helen in such a loving way, and Kraus, watching Helena and Roger embraced each other, looked mysteriously at them as if analyzing them. Deep down, Kraus did not like the rapport between them. He was loathing all this scene. Kraus is not trustworthy.

To be continued.

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