“Oh, sounds like a special something,” she said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

“Stop it!” I scolded her, pushing her a little. “We always go out for our birthdays and for once I just wanted to do something romantic.”

“So does that mean we should stop here?” Stephanie guessed, pointing to the Victoria’s Secret that we had found ourselves next to.

“I guess so.”

I had never bought lingerie before. I honestly was pretty clueless about it, and I wasn’t necessarily comfortable with it. I tried to keep Stephanie distracted with the swimsuits and clothes towards the front of the store so I wouldn’t have to look at anything else, but after she found a swimsuit she liked, she caught on.

“You’re just stalling. Come on, let’s look at the sexy stuff,” she suggested. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the store, and I had no choice but to come with. “Ooo, how about this?” she picked up a hot pink slip, and I laughed in her face.

“Definitely not that. I don’t want pink. I just want something black, lacy, and cute.” This time Stephanie laughed at me.

“Cute? If you just want cute you better go look at the regular pajamas!”

“Oh, whatever. You know what I mean.” I was slightly annoyed with Stephanie and how she was pestering me, but what were friends for? She actually helped me find a few contenders, but it was an employee that pointed my eventual top pick out to me. It was a sexy black lace corset set. It was decently priced and I loved it, so Stephanie pulled it off the rack and put it in my hands.

“Try it on! I want to try my swimsuit on anyways, so just go in the dressing room across from me or something,” she said. I agreed to it, knowing I probably didn’t have much of a choice anyways. I felt weird about wearing it, but when I tried it all on, I couldn’t believe what I saw in the mirror. I looked amazing, quite honestly. Apparently Stephanie agreed, because we both modeled our new things for each other and she reacted positively.

“Does it look okay?” I asked.

“It’s better than okay, Claire. If Mark doesn’t love this part of his birthday present, then there’s no way he’s straight and you’ll have to find a new boyfriend,” Stephanie told me.

“In that case, I guess I’ll buy it. I really like your swimsuit, too. I wish I needed a new one, because I’d definitely get one like yours.”

“Isn’t it cute? It fits, so I’m getting it.”

We left VS feeling pretty happy with our purchases, but that didn’t stop us from shopping around more. We hit a few more clothing stores and we were both tempted to buy more. Stephanie gave into the temptation and got some summery clothes, but all I ended up buying for myself were nose rings from Hot Topic - I had been wanting a black hoop for a while and I finally found one there, as well as a few black studs. I also bought a real birthday present for Mark, which was a brand new webcam. He had been wanting a new one ever since we moved, but he hadn’t gone out to get one, so I was hopeful that he’d love it.

Stephanie and I picked up some food from Taco Bell on the way home in hopes that it would distract Mark enough for me to sneak his gift into the apartment. Of course, that was just a perk we were looking for - we mostly were just really hungry. Luckily for me, the distraction seemed to work.

“Hey guys. Do I smell food?” Mark wondered as soon as we got back home.

“Yes, we brought dinner home,” I answered, holding only the Taco Bell and Hot Topic bags. To make things discrete, Steph had hidden my other bags inside hers. She agreed to stuffing them under the bed in the spare bedroom for me too, since I had no better place to hide them.

“So, what all did you guys get?” Mark wondered as he dug into the bag of food.

“I didn’t get much, just some nose rings, basically. Stephanie, on the other hand, bought out a couple stores,” I snorted, tossing my bag into the bedroom quickly before joining the others in the kitchen.

“I did not!”

“You basically did.”

“Not really, no.”

We bickered as best friends do for a while, but it didn’t take long for our dinner to distract us enough to get us to quit. The three of us took the rest of the day easy. We played a few games of MarioKart and watched some Netflix, but other than that we didn’t do much. We didn’t stay up all that late, either. It didn’t really matter, though. Stephanie was going to be there for a few more days, so we had plenty of time to actually get out and do something. I was sure the next few days would be filled with the best of L.A.

So, writing about Mark's birthday is officially weird because my boyfriend's birthday is the same day as his and it's confusing. Oddly enough, my boyfriend also wears glasses and his favorite color is green, like Mark...yeah, it's a strange coincidence. Anyways, I'm rambling about things you guys don't care about and I need to stop, so. Let me know what you guys think of the chapter! Vote if you liked it and leave me some feedback and comments. Also, feel free to message me if you'd like, I don't bite! I'll try to update again in a few days, if possible :) 

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