It is finished

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Of course I married him! I got my happy ending, my picket fence, and we have our beautiful baby girl. I have my tree of a man, who is more in love with me than I deserve. I'm not quite sure how it all happened like it did but I wouldn't change it.

"Baby, Tasha needs a change and we need to head out if we are gonna make it." I yell, as I finish up with the last of the bathroom box.

"I just changed her Beautiful, everything's in the car. I want to get there before sunset, the lawyer said they are all moved out." He answers back.

We're moving to our new home finally. I have been so picky on our forever home, Tom has been great but I know he was getting sick of living out of boxes and my indecisiveness, so when we found this one and I fell in love with it he bought it quickly and kicked the people right out. He definitely didn't want me to change my mind again. It's a beautiful 5 bedroom cape on the ocean with a picket fence leading to the water, just beautiful.

"Baby are you ready? Tasha is tired, she'll sleep beautifully in the car. Your mom is waiting at the house." He mentions as he walks in the bathroom. "Leave it, the movers are here they will finish." He says as he comes up behind me, he plants a kiss on my temple.

"I'm ready, I just want it right." I say spinning in his arms. Pecking his lips he pulls me closer to deepen the contact.

"Are you happy my love?"

"So happy." I moan

"Mmmmm, and horny?"


"We don't have time."

"Make time."

And he did, like he always does, making me cum one last time in our townhouse bathroom. He is always so good to me. Our future is bright as long as we are in it together. Everything we went through was worth it because we are stronger than ever. 3 years, a wedding, a baby and now a beautiful home. I couldn't ask for better.

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