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Two Months Later

Cat's POV

I take a deep breath, in through the nose out through the mouth. Repeat. I can do this, I know I can do this. He can't hurt me, B will be behind glass and I can do this. I take a deep breath and straighten out my dress, I've considered getting up and walking out of this prison 5 times, but each time I go to stand Tom grabs my hand whispering he's with me. I can't believe I'm even giving this douche canoe the time of day. But I have to say my peace. If I'm ever going to give Tom and I a shot I have to bury this.

Tom is relentless, and wouldn't give up on us. He came to my townhouse everyday. I finally gave up fighting him, we've been inseparable ever since. I love him, I owe him everything.

My name is finally called and I stand, trembling I hug my tree of a man. He dips his head down to kiss my lips, promising me I can do this. I'm not sure how I got so lucky. I straighten out my shoulders and walk with purpose to the visitation room.

There, sitting in front of me is a shell of a man I don't recognize. His once chiseled jaw is thin and he almost looks like a frail old man. I almost feel bad for him except, he killed my best friend, kidnapped me and ruined my life. He definitely deserves this. I sit down in front of him and tears well up in his eyes. B is crying?! I never thought I would see the day.

"I didn't think you would come." He rasps

"I wasn't going to." I respond coldly

"Why then?" He asks

"Tom thought I needed closure, I'm doing this for him and I, not for you." I say as I cross my arm

His eyes flash anger but as quickly as it comes it's gone back to sorrow.

"So, you're still with him then?"

"what do you want? Why did you ask me here?" I spit out

Bailey sighs, "I wanted to see you, see if you were ok? To say I was sorry. I realize now I had no right. But you have to know I never meant for this to happen, you make me crazy Tina, I love you. I'm sorry about Clair, oh God. I never meant to hurt her, she tripped and went over the railing. Fuck! I just lost control." He's sobbing now. I feel so sick, I don't want Clair's name coming out of his mouth.

"Bailey, I'm going to make this as clear as I possibly can for you. I forgive you." B's eyes get as wide as saucers. "But I'm forgiving you for myself, I don't want to hate you, I love Tom, and I want us to work. In order for that to happen I have to forgive you so you have no power over me. I feel nothing but pity for you. I hope you have a long life here, I hope you get some serious help, I hope you're ego is packed up tight and you find yourself a nice boyfriend that will take real good care of you in here. Don't call me, don't write me. I forgive you but you are dead to me." I finish and slowly stand, not waiting for any response.

"T wait," I am just to the door when he says, "I really am sorry, I'll never bother you again. I hope you're happy."


Under the Cabana on the beach in Hawaii, we are having a do over vacation. No phones or laptops! I'm wrapped in my lovers arms enjoying the heat of the day. I feel Tom's arms tighten around my waist, I lift my head to look into his beautiful eyes.

"So, my love, what are we doing this week?" Tom rumbles into my ear.

I run my hand up his chest and say, "I like what we are doing now, don't you?"

"Baby, we've been doing an awful lot of nothing these last two months, I think it's time to have some fun. But, to answer your question, I love laying with you." He runs his nose along my jaw and I stifle the needy moan that tries escaping. He chuckles.

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