Drunk Dialing

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Clair and I haven't had a good ol fashion girls night in a while, she picked up a pizza and I laid out the junk food on the counter and stuck the beer in the fridge. I decided to take a shower and get comfortable, I thew on a pair of boy shorts and an old college tee and headed to the living room, for movies and food.

It was 10:30 and we were both feeling pretty good,

"Ugh, I drank too much! I have to work tomorrow." Clair whines

"Me too, what should we watch now?" I hiccup

"Let's talk about you and Mr. Gorgeous?" She laughes out

"Ok what do you want to know? He's gorgeous, he's successful, he's fantastic in bed, I think we're boyfriend and girlfriend, he's enormous, and he wants to take me away this weekend." I start listing everything off with my fingers and Clair starts to giggle

"Enormous huh?" She asks

"Yes, that too, but I meant tall." I burst out laughing

"So you've been dating a month, what do you mean you think he's your boyfriend?"

"Well, we don't really talk about our realtionship, hell, I don't even know much about him except he owns a business, and he has had his heartbroken pretty bad. I think he doesn't want to get too serious with me because of her, and all this drama with B, probably has him on eggshells." I confess

"Have you asked him about his ex? I mean your never going to know where you stand if you don't ask him." She says taking another drink of her beer

"I don't think I want to know the answer, I don't think I'm ready either. I'll be left disappointed, I think I only attract emotionally constipated men." I laugh out

"Oh God Tina, that is depressing! Don't you want to settle down someday?!" She asks shoving me a little

"Oh great, now you sound like my mother, she called today asking for grandchildren, do I look like I am at all in a place to give her grand babies?" I say while straightening my hair. Clair laughs and gets off the couch to start cleaning up. I move to help her and fall back down, second attempt works much better and I'm able to grab pizza boxes and empty bags of chips, while Clair cleans up the beer bottles.

"She's right, we aren't as young as we used to be, you should ask Tom what he is thinking, maybe when you go away this weekend?"

"Yea I guess, I'll probably just die an old maid." I laugh

"We are far to pretty for that to ever happen." She follows up flipping her hair. "I'm going to bed, I have an early morning, thanks for getting me drunk, love!" She dramatically hugs me, and heads off in the direction of her room. I check the door and make sure it's locked shut off all the lights, and make my way to my bed. As I climb into bed I can't help but think maybe she's right, I should just ask him, I guess I should know if it's just sex, I decide to text him.

*Are you just humping me, or is this serious? I send it, and laugh at my humor

*I take it you had a good time? Is all he replies

*You didn't answer my question

*I am serious, I would like to hump you now. :)

* Funny but I want to know if I should tell my mother that grand babies are in her future? I'm a terrible disappointment you know.

My phone rings following that, and I struggle with myself to answer it. The ringing scared me and I giggle answering the phone

"Shhhh, my roomate is sleeping, it's very late." I whisper loudly

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