Nevermind, Surprise Me

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"I think I have everything, I really only need sundresses and bathing suits right? I say to myself as I buzz around my bedroom trying to get everything together. Tom left late last night to finish getting ready. He told me he would be here this morning and I'm nowhere near ready. I took a pill to get to sleep last night. The trip to Crazy Town yesterday has me so rattled, I had no idea B would turn into such a freak. I still don't think he will hurt me but I don't want to take the chance. He will get served with the restraining order while we are on the beach, I can't wait for it to be over. I'll change my number on my way to the airport. I should probably call my parents and let them know what's going on, incase they call too.

"Knock knock beautiful, you ready to go?" Tom is wedged in the door with a gorgeous smile plastered on his face. I have no idea how long he's been standing there, but judging by the chuckle erupting from his chest it's been a while. "Are you ready?"

"Hi, I think so? I just have to put some pants on and my sandals." I respond slipping on my jean shorts. Tom pushed off the frame of the door and places his hands on my hips preventing me from buttoning my shorts.

"You look sexy when your casual, I can't wait to get you on the beach." He rumbles into my hair. I exhale into his shoulder and pull him tighter into me. We better leave before we miss this flight too.

"Tom," I moan, "We are never going to make it out of here if you keep doing that." He's nipping at my shoulder.

"Mmmm, you're right, let's go baby, I might have to join the mile high club today, I have a feeling I won't be able to keep my hands to myself this weekend." He breathes, he squeezes my hips before planting a kiss on my lips and stepping backwards.

"I hope not, we haven't been alone in a long time. I need my fill." I respond. I threw a couple more things in my case and zipped it up. Tom walked over and muscled it out the door into the livingroom. Clair was still sleeping so I just left a note and we headed out to his truck. As I sat in passenger side I started to get excited. I haven't taken a trip for myself in so long. And now I get to spend a long weekend with this sex God! I am going to do naughty things to him.

"Catalina, where did you go baby?" Tom says snapping me out of my wayward thoughts.

"I'm here, just thinking of all the trouble we can get into this weekend." I confess. His eyes widen, clearly not expecting my thoughts to be dirty. "What? You think you're the only one who gets to think naughty thoughts? I say smiling. Tom reaches over and pulls me to his mouth, his tongue invades mine and I moan out melting into his mouth.

"First order of business is fucking on the plane." He growls out as he adjusts his pants.

"How do you plan on doing that? I'm not mounting you in the bathroom or something." I laugh out.

"Baby, I have a bedroom on the plane." He says matter of fact.

"What? We're taking a private plane?" I'm stunned

"Well, ya, I thought that was clear when we didn't leave yesterday?" He shrugs.

"Well shit." I whisper, "I didn't realize."


Sex on a plane is every bit what it's cracked up to be. I don't know if it's because of the high altitude or what, but my orgasms were 3 times better than usual. Or maybe it was how Tom had me folded like a pretzel. Mm mm delish, we'll be doing that on the way back, now I'm laying her panting trying to catch my breath as Tom gets himself cleaned up in the on suit. He walks out in all his glory. His massive frame barely fitting in the bathroom door.

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