Chapter 12: Seggy's Princess

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Tyler's POV

"So, I have to tell you some thing Andrea." I started out saying. "You're breaking up with me to go be with the slut, Taylor. I can't believe you!" she screamed. "We were actually never a thing!" I screamed. "We weren't?! Okay well I also have something to confess. This baby, isn't yours!" she yelled. "Good! I fucking hate you!" I stormed out of the room. I went to the arena, spoke to coach and said I was going back to Dallas. He wasn't okay with it at first but I explained everything. He finally gave in, we went through the whole trading process and I am now officially back on the Stars.

9:00 PM

I walked into the house. I dropped my bags and went upstairs. I walked into my old bedroom or current one. I don't know yet. I saw Taylor on the bed reading. I quietly walked over. She looked up. "I told you I would come back this time." I said. "Yeah you did. But, I am still upset that you got another girl pregnant." she responded. "I never got her pregnant. The baby isn't mine." I said. "It isn't?" she exclaimed. "No. It's some other dude's." I replied. "Wow."

5 months later:

Everything is back to normal for Taylor, Reilly, Colton and I.  I even changed my mind about having more kids.

7 Weeks later:

Taylor POV

I woke up, feeling as sick as hell. I stood up. "Babe you okay?" Tyler asked in his morning voice. I shook my head, and sprinted toward our bathroom.

I puked for a good minute. Tyler held my hair back. I sat back, and closed the toilet lid. "You don't look so good." he said. "Gee thanks." I sarcastically responded. "Mommy?" I heard Reilly's voice. "Hey buddy." I  said. "Momma?" Colton asked. "Hi baby." I responded. "You not feeling good?" Reilly asked. "Not really buddy." I replied, with a sad tone. "Momma." Colton said in a sad voice. He's starting to say more words now. He ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.My boys were worried about me, I loved that.


The boys were down for their 'pregame' naps. Tyler is taking his as well. They were all on mine and Tyler's bed. I had to take a picture.

I took the picture and posted it to Instagram then Twitter.


'@tseguin92 and the boys taking their pregame naps! Sweet dreams boys! #SeguinBoys #pregame #naps #hockey #ChicagoBlackhawks (picture) '


'It must be gameday! @tseguinofficial and the boys takin' their pregame nap! Can't wait to watch the @NHLBlackhawks kick some @penguins booty tonight! Watch your back Crosby, Tyler's gonna be extra energetic tonite! #pregame #nap #Blackhawks (picture)'

'Mentiioned by @whatsapuck: @taylorseguin, I don't know why you are married to Seguin, he's too good for you.'

My jaw dropped. I replied bitchy.

@whatsapuck   Listen here puck bunny, I'm not a slut like you are. I don't know who you are but you fucking got on my last nerve. You don't even know what a fucken hockey puck is! If you don't know shit about hockey then get off my timeline!

She replied back: @taylorseguin well I am just saying that your boobs are too small, your ass is too big and you are fucking as big as a hippo! You need to lose weight.

I saw someone else replied back.

@whatsapuck don't be messin' with my wife there slut! She's not fat! Who do you think you are saying shit like that about my wife? Don't you DARE say anything about her AGAIN! Do you hear me?!

I looked at the handle. It said: @tseguinofficial. I smiled at it.

@tseguinofficial Thanks babe :D

"You're welcome!" Tyler yelled from upstairs.

I laughed and walked up there.

"Tyler, I have to tell you something." I said, sitting down next to him on our bed. "What's that,baby?" he asked. "I'm pregnant, again." I responded. "Boy or girl?!" he exclaimed, sounding like a kid on Christmas morning. "Girl." I laughed as he pinned me down. He smiled even more. "I'm gonna have a daughter! I'm going to have a daughter!" he jumped all around.


The boys and I were sitting in the living room watching the Pirates

I heard Tyler's car pull up. And other cars. Colton and Reilly raced over to the window. "DADDY'S HOME!" They exclaim in sync. They raced toward the door, and anxiously waited for Tyler to walk in.

The door opened and the boys clung to Tyler.


Today is Colton's 3rd birthday. Reilly's 5th birthday was 7 months ago.

We had the party at our house.

Everyone sang happy birthday to the boys. They tore into their presents.

They were happy with what the got. Once everyone left, Tyler, Colton, Reilly and I were here.

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