Chapter 1:Brad Marchand

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A/N: I just republished this after making some MAJOR revision!! Hope you enjoy!

Taylor's POV

I woke up, showered, and put my Marchand jersey on with a Bruins t-shirt underneath, black skinny jeans, and my Uggs. My dad dropped me off at school then went to drop  Sydney and Shawn off.

"Taylor!!" Katie attacks me. "Hey Katie." I hug her back. I walk towards my locker with Katie not far behind. "Ugh stupid locker!" I smack it. "You know it's not going to open if you smack it like that right?" a male guy's voice laughs from behind me. "I know!" I smack it again. "Here, let me help you." he offers. I move out of the way to let him get to my locker. "What's the combination?" he asked."63-37-19." I said. "Tay, do you know who that is?" Katie asked. "No.." I said, unsure. "That's Brad freaking Marchand." she whispered, fan girling. I roll my eyes. "Sure. Why would Brad Marchand be at our high school?" I say in disbelief. He got my locker opened. "Thanks." I reply. "No problem. I'm Brad Marchand by the way." he said. I look at Katie. "Told you!" she mouths. I look back at Brad. "I'm Taylor. And you're my favorite Bruin." I smile holding in the fan girl. I showed him my jersey, I was wearing. "Damn girl! I really am your favorite player." he says, looking at the inside of my locker door which is filled with pics of him and Bruins stuff. "Hell yeah! You're beast!" I said. "Yeah I am. Can I have your number?" he asks. HOLY FREAKING SHIT! BRAD FREAKING MARCHAND WANTS YOUR PHONE NUMBER! Cool it Taylor! "S-sure." I stutter, handing him my phone. He does the same with his. I put my name and number in. We exchange phones. The final bell rings. "I gotta get to class." I said. "Okay, see you around." he said. I walked to my first period class which is Mr. Donnelly, History. Boring class. "Miss Fitzpatrick, you're late." Mr. Donnelly says, sternly. He hates me. He always has. "Sorry sir." I sat down next to Katie.

I was in study hall. Last period of the day. I was studying for finals that were coming up when I felt my phone buzz. I take it out of my boot and look at it. The name said: Marchy. I smiled and opened the message.

Marchy: Do you have a ride home?

Taylor: No why?

Marchy: Look for a black Lambo, it has a Bruins license plate on it.

Taylor: Okay, bye :-)

March: Later, see u after u get out k?

Taylor: K

The final bell rings and I get everything then leave. I find the car Brad described. He was standing outside of it with two other dudes. Tyler Seguin and Milan Lucic. I approached them.. "Hey Taylor." he puts an arm around my shoulder. "Hey man." I fist bumped him. "So, you're Taylor. Brad here has been going on and on about you all day. He wouldn't shut up." Milan chuckled, causing Brad to blush. "Haha, yup, that's me." I laugh. We all pile in the car. I am in the back with Looch. I got a text from Katie.


T: I didn't forget! Calm your tits girl!

K: Okay, eww.

I laugh and put my phone back in my pocket. "Milan, I have training at five do you think I will be home in time?" I asked. "Training for what?" I heard Seguin ask. "Baseball." I said.

Brad's POV

"You want us to take you?" I asked. "That's fine. I just have to tell my dad." she said. "Okay." I replied. "He said okay." Taylor announced. "Awesome! We can see her play!" Milan chanted.

Taylor's POV

"We gotta stop at my house so I can get my bag and uniform." I say. "Okay." Brad said. I told him where my house was. I walked inside, sprinted up the steps, grabbed my already packed, Bruins duffle with my extra clothes in it. I had to pack extra clothes because we have to shower after practicing. I said bye to my mom and went back out to Seggy's truck because we stopped at Brad and Tyler's place and got Tyler's truck. I got in the back, in between Milan and Brad. Incase you were wondering, Andrew Ference was in the truck with us now.

We got to the place. I told Milan, Brad and Tyler where to go. They did as told. I went into the locker rooms and changed, came back out and went into the dugout. "Hey Taylor!" Katie appeared in front of me. "Hey girl." I smiled. Soon after, Coach Bradford appeared.  "Why don't you girls take a few practice throws while we are waiting for the other girls to get here." Coach suggested. We started our practice.

Practice was soon over. Thank god. I went in, showered, got dressed and got out of there. I met up with Brad, Milan, Tyler and Andrew. "You were good out there." Milan said. "Thanks.I'm the best catcher on the team." I replied. We dropped Patrice and Milan off and Tyler stayed. We pulled up to my house. "Before you go, can we have your number?" Milan asked. "Uhh yeah sure." I said. We all exchanged numbers. "Later Taylor." Tyler high fived me. "Bye Taylor!" Brad called out the window. I went inside. "I'm home." I set my baseball bag down and duffle. I walked in the living room, I saw a box with a note taped to it. The note said:

Mom and I went to Los Angeles. Be home in two weeks. Sean and Emily went with us.. No rules while we are gone. Love you! Look in the kennel in the living room! Also, Justin may be home one day as well. Have fun! Also, name him whatever you want! And we got all of your stuff from your school. You will now be taking online school courses! Sorry for all the rush but, we know you don't like actual school and this is the best bet.-Dad

Sweet NO FAMILY FOR 2 WEEKS! I sat down the note and sighed. I opened the kennel. I saw a puppy in there! A black lab with a Bruins collar. So freaking adorable. I pulled him out of the kennel. "OH MY GOD!!!! PUPPY!" I squealed. "I think I'll name you Midnight. Like that name boy?" I giggled. He barked a little. I looked around and saw dog stuff all around the house. I took a picture of him.

@hallsys_kd: NEW PUPPY! THANKYOU DAD AND MOM! Name: Midnight :) #newpup (picture)

My username on Twitter is @hallsys_kd because I love Taylor Hall.

I went to bed, Midnight by my feet.

I woke up the next morning, got my jogging gear on. "Midnight! Wanna go for a walk boy?" I called out. He came running. I put his leash on him, locked the door and went walking. "Midnight! Bad boy!" I scolded. He was humping someone's dog. A chocolate lab. "Sorry." I said to the guy. I looked up. "Tyler!" I squealed. "Hey Taylor." he said. "This is my dog, Midnight. I just got him last night." I said. "He's adorable! Ewww! Marshall stop humping Midnight!" Tyler said. "Thanks and yeah...eww." I laughed. I told him the story about last night. He came over to my place and we hung out. "Wanna invite Brad over?" Tyler asked. "We can." I said. I secretly have a crush on Marchand. It's true. But, I am not a puck slut in anyway. Tyler dialed the number and put it on speaker.

Hey!!! It's Taylor!

Oh hey beautiful. Wassup? *I blushed when he said hey beautiful*

Nuttin wanna come over to my place? Segs is here.

Yeah sure. Give me 20 minutes.



I saw Midnight humping Marshall again. "Midnight! Bad dog!" I scolded. He whimpered and ran into his dog kennel. "Way to go Taylor! You made him go in his kennel." Tyler laughed. "I didn't mean it." I pouted. "I wasn't being mean or anything." he said. "I know!" I giggled. "Where's the bathroom?" Tyler asked. "Down the hall, last door on the right." I said. "Thanks." he sprinted to the bathroom. I heard the doorbell ring, about 10 minutes later. Segs was still in the bathroom. "Everything alright in there?!" I yelled on the way to the door. I opened the door. "Hey Brad!" I hugged him. "Hey Taylor." I moved out of the way to let him in. I closed the door as he stepped in. Midnight attacked Brad. Well jumped on him, as well as Marshall. "Hey Marshall, and...?" Brad was confused. "Oh this is my new dog, Midnight." I said. "Love the name!" Brad exclaimed. "Thanks." I laughed. "He has a nice collar too!" he commented. "Thanks." I said. I heard the bathroom door open and out walked Seguin. "Hey Tyler. Long time in there, everything alright?" I asked, trying to hold in laughter. "Yeah, I had to take a shit." he said. Nasty. We all hung out. Tyler and Brad stayed overnight. We had a fun night. I hope I get to hangout with these two again! I had a blast!

Without You (Tyler Seguin)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum