Chapter 3: New Boyfriend

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Tyler's POV

I feel so bad for Taylor. She moved back to Boston in hopes to get back with Brad and she can't now because Brad is married and has a child. So, basically Taylor's life is ruined. She's like a mess.

I went over and knocked on her door. I heard her dog barking. Tay opened the door, she looked like shit. Her hair was greasy, and a nasty, puffy, mess. Her eyes were tear stained. She was just awful. "Hey Tyler." she moved away so I could get in. Midnight barked, and sniffed me. "Hey buddy." I patted his head. "What brings you here,Ty?" Taylor asked. "I wanted to know if you needed anything." I said, sitting down on the couch. "My life back." she mumbled. "I know, I feel so bad for you." I got up, and hugged her, tightly. "I-I wish I never left 3 years ago. It's all my dad's fault." she cried into my chest. "I know, me either." I rubbed her back. "Wanna go shopping?" I asked. "You, shopping?" she stopped crying, and laughed. "Yeah, I wanna hang out with you." I replied. "Okay, let me fix my hair, and change clothes." she said.

She came out of her bedroom looking stunning as usual.

"You look beautiful!" I said. "Thanks." she replied.

I got her alot of stuff. But, she did get somethings with her own money because she insisted that she pay for most of her stuff. I got a text from Looch that said:

Party at my place tonight! Bring a date, if you want. ~Looch

"Taylor wanna go to a party tonight?" I asked. "Sure." she replied.

Taylor POV

I got dressed for the party.

I waited for Tyler to pick me up. There was a knock at the door about 10 minutes later. I opened the door to see Tyler leaning up against the door frame. His jaw dropped at my outfit. I was wearing a short black dress and black heels with my hair straightened. "You ready?" I asked, snapping Tyler out of his thoughts. "Yeah." he replied. We got in his car. In the car, Tyler and I talked.

"You really look sexy." he said. I blushed. "Are you blushing?" he asked. "Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked. "You went quiet." Tyler replied. "Oh." I giggled.

"We are here." Tyler parked the car. "Wait here." he said. He got out, came around, opened my door for me. "Awww, Tyler!" I said. I grabbed his hand. We got out,and walked to the door of the house.

We met up with Marchand, his wife, and Patrice. Notice how I said Marchand instead of Brad? Yeah, I am still hurt.

I stayed back with Tyler for a minute.

"Why didn't we go with them?" I asked. "Because, I have a question to ask you." Tyler replied.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. "Yes." I replied. "I love you babe." he kissed me. "Love you too." I replied.

We caught up to Bergeron ,before they got to the house. "Hey Taylor you look stunning." Patrice said. "Thanks." I smiled. We reached the door."Hey guys!" Milan answered the door. We all walked in.


Tyler and I both got drunk. Marchand, surprisingly didn't drink that much, so they offered us a ride back to the apartment complex.

Tyler stayed at my place. He took his shirt and pants off just leaving him in his boxers. God those abs. I changed into a pair of Boston Celtics basketball shorts and a sports bra, exposing my sixpack.

We slept in my bed together, just slept. Surprisingly considering how drunk we were.

I woke up, wrapped in Tyler's arms, and Midnight was laying above Ty's head, practically on top of him because he's so big now. Tyler woke up right after I did. "Morning beautiful." he said in his morning voice. It was sexy. No doubt. "Hey." I giggled. "What do you say we get cleaned up and we walk Midnight and Marshall?" Tyler asked. "Sounds great." I smiled.

Tyler left and I showered and changed into a Bruins t-shirt, Tuukka's to be specific, denim shorts, Old Navy black sandals.I got Marchy's leash ready. It was a Bruins leash. Tyler knocked on my door, or at least I thought it was Tyler. I got up to get it. I opened it only to see Marchand standing there he reeked of alcohol, he must have drank more. "I have no interest to speak to you." I spoke, almost closing the door but Marchand stopped it with his foot. "I thought I said I had no interest to talk to you!" I said, almost yelling. "What's your problem?" he asked. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Came to see you. I wanna get back together." he said. "I'm sorry but, you are a married man,with a child and plus, I found someone else, so leave. NOW!" I spoke, yelling the last part. "Oh come on babe, we both know that you want me back, so what do you say?" he asked. "NO!" I yelled. He ignored me. He leaned in and smashed his lips onto mine. It didn't feel right. I pushed him, causing him to fall. "Really, Taylor?!" he yelled, getting back up on his feet. "Just get out of my condo." I said. "Fine." he growled, walking out of my place. Thank god he was gone. About ten minutes later, I heard another knock at my door. Who now? I opened the door. "TYLER!" I squealed. "Hey beautiful." he hugged me. "Hey Marshall!" I leaned down and patted his head. I grabbed Midnight and Tyler and I walked off.

"You like Tuukka more than me?" Tyler pouted. "No! I just threw this shirt on. You're still my number one." I said. "Thank god." Tyler mumbled. "I heard that." I laughed.

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