Chapter 10: Happiness Doesn't Last Forever But Then Life Is Good Again

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"Mommy? Where dada at?" Reilly asked. "He's at a meeting." I lied. I wasn't going to tell my 2 year old son that his dad was out drinking. Apparently Tyler thinks that I'm the reason he drinks. But I can honestly assure you I am not the reason.


Reilly was asleep up in his bed and I was laying on my bed. I was sleeping when I heard a door open then close, and then heard footsteps coming down the hallway. The bedroom door opened then closed. I smelt alcohol. I knew it was Tyler. The light turned on, I woke up, and saw Tyler making out with some hoe. I got out of bed, packed a bag real fast , not caring what was in it and on my way out of the bedroom, I yelled "I hope you have fun with your bitch." then ran to Reilly's room, picked him up, got his diaper bag then made my way toward the door. "Where are you going?" Tyler slur yelled. "Why should you know?" I yelled before grabbing my phone off the ledge in the entryway and getting my keys off the hook, grabbing my purse off the floor and making my way to my car which was in the driveway. "Where the hell are you going?" I heard Tyler yell from behind me. "You don't need to know." I yelled, putting Reilly in his carseat, putting everything in the backseat. I got in my car, rolling down the window. "I hate you bitch! Leaving because I brought a babe home, that's fucked up. We should break up because you're no good in bed, you are a bitch, you need to get the hell out of my life and take Reilly." he slurred. I was hurt. Tears escaped my eyes. I cannot believe he said that. "Goodbye." I yelled, throwing my wedding ring at Tyler ,rolling up my window, and rolling down Reilly's."Bye daddy!" Reilly yelled. He rolled it back up, I pulled out of the driveway and headed toward Jamie and Katie's house after texting her to see if Reilly and I could crash there for the night.


I woke up to a lot of texts, calls and shit all from Tyler. I ignored every single one of them. Reilly was still sleeping and I was watching TV with Reilly, Katie and Jamie. "Get your ass out of here." Jamie said. "No. Why is Taylor here here?" he asked. "You cheated on her you fucking dumbass! Tyler, leave and go think through what you did." Jamie shut the door.


I just filed for divorce. I don't have plans for my future. I'm only 22, I was just married a year or so ago and now, I'm getting a divorce. Pretty sad.

The court was sending the papers to Tyler.

2 1/2 years later:

I was shopping with Reilly and Katie when we ran into Tyler, great. "Seguin." I said. "Tyler." Katie said. "My ex husband fucking great." I responded. "Actually, i'm not..." Tyler trailed off. "What?" my jaw dropped. "Ididntsignthedivorcepapersbecauseistillloveyou." he said really fast so I couldn't understand him. "Okay, well, I said I didn't sign the divorce papers because I still love you." Tyler said, so I could understand him this time. My jaw dropped. "You what?" Katie almost yelled. "What the heck, Katie?" I asked. "Sorry, lost my temper. I'll let you two be alone, Reilly and I will be in the toys section." she said before walking away.

"So you didn't sign the papers?" I asked. "No, I didn't. I never should have done that." he responded. I looked at my feet. "So, where have you been?" Tyler asked. "Here in Dallas." I said. "Oh" he replied   I looked at my phone. It was 11:20 and I had to get ready for the game.The game is at 4:30  "Tyler shouldn't you be getting ready for your game tonight?" I asked. "Why does that concern you?" he snapped. "Ouch. You'll see why it concerns me." I responded before turning away to find Katie and Reilly.

Tyler's POV

I ran into Taylor. She was more beautiful than I remember.

3 hours before gametime:

Without You (Tyler Seguin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora