Chapter 9: Toronto

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Tyler POV

We went to see my family.

"Tyler!!" My sisters squealed running up to me and almost attacking me.

Taylor POV

Tyler's sisters ran up to him, nearly injuring the poor guy again. "Hey Taylor!" Cassidy came over to me and hugged me. "Hi Cass." I said. "OMG is that the baby?" she asked, motioning toward Reilly. "Yup, that's Reilly." Tyler said. "Aww! Can I hold him?" Cassidy asked. "Of course you can." I handed Reilly over to her. "I had no idea that you guys were expecting." Candace said. "Yeah, we kinda wanted to surprise you guys." Tyler responded. "Taylor, your shirt is pretty." Cassidy said, referring to my frill orangish peach tanktop. "Aww, thanks." I said.


Cassidy came back with Tyler, Reilly and I, she's staying here for a few months.

"Hey Cass, wanna go shopping with Katie and I?" I asked. "Sure." she stood up.

I went to the nursery and picked up Reilly, and put him in his baby seat, and grabbed the diaper bag.

"Bye boys." I said, walking past Tyler, Jamie, Jordie, Val, Kari and Antoine. "Later, buy pretty shit!" Tyler said. "Watch your language, babe, there's a baby in the room." I smirked, grabbing my keys. "Bye big bro." Cassidy said. "Have fun." Tyler responded.

We arrived at Target. We are going to Kmart next then Walmart.

"I'm gonna go try this dress on, I'll be back. Could you watch Reilly?" I asked. "Sure." Cassidy responded.

We shopped for a while then bought our stuff and left.

Once we got to my vehicle, we put the stuff in, put Reilly in the car then  Katie got in the back and Cass got next to me in the front.

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