Mason took another bite, "The burger is good. You should try it."

"To be honest, the smell of food is making me feel sick now." Evelyn looked around.

"Oh." Mason stood up, After washing off, he paid the bills they made it out to the street.

Outside, the moon was shining brightly. As Evelyn stepped outside from the restaurant, moonlight gleamed on her. A strand of hair fell on her face as a gentle breeze blew. Mason felt the urge to brush it away.

Instead, he scratched the back of his neck.

"You really won't give up stalking me, will you?" Evelyn said as she fell on steps beside him.

"Ha-ha. Whatever helps you sleep at night," Mason rolled his eyes.

Evelyn stayed silent.

"Jack threatened me to come tonight," Mason added after a while.

Mason stuffed his hands inside his jacket's pocket. The air had turned a bit chilly. They turned on their way and he spotted the park. The same park he used to come to when he was a little child.

"So, that's the only reason you're here," Evelyn said quietly.

Mason nodded and walked forward. He really couldn't tell why he went to the hall. He knew Jack's threatening had nothing to do with his presence. He knew better than be scared of his empty threats.

We got a lot to figure out. His inner voice prickled.

Mason pushed open the park's gate. The gate cracked under his touch. Children didn't come here anymore. There was a new park in the rich neighborhood. This one was not in use. He walked inside and looked around. The rides were all in the same place like they used to be. Looking back at them, nostalgia washed over him.

"I don't like parks," Evelyn commented from where she stood.

"Tell me when you like something." Mason shook his head in disappointment and walked towards the swing. It was pretty stupid for someone his age to sit on a swing. But he wanted to sit and the swing wasn't that much of a bad choice. The air around them smelt like dry leaves. A few twigs broke under his feet as he walked.

He sat on one of them and it cracked. All of the rides were maybe as old as the park. Nobody took care of them. The place was abandoned like his childhood memories. He looked up and watched the moon in the sky.

Evelyn was stood in front of the other swing, frozen in her spot. Her eyes were threatening as if the swing was going to attack her.

"Anything wrong?"

"Why the swing?" She asked looking at it.

"I just wanted to sit." Mason clasped his hands together and took a deep breath of the fresh air.

Evelyn was still standing there. She looked back at him and then carefully took a step forward the swing. Turning around she held the ropes on both sides and settled herself on it.

"You know, swings don't bite."

"Shut up."

Mason looked away. Moments later, Evelyn spoke, "I am used to having a nightmare."

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