"What about Louis? What beginning do I have to hear about? I am so confused." Niall blurted out, making the brunette take a step back nervously.

Zayn motioned for the three of them to sit at the dining table, his hand falling to rest on his husband's clammy one. His golden orbs flashed around Niall's face in order to take note of his behavior when he finds out the truth. "Do you care to tell him the beginning, Harry?" he softly said, his voice difficult because now that Niall was there with the two of them...it was kind of hard to predict how he would react.

"No, No. I think you should." The taller man grinned, since he was his husband and all.

Zayn closed his eyes tightly for a second because he desperately wanted someone else to tell the story. Or if anything, he could leave some parts out since they weren't relevant like the attack in the hospital bathroom.

"Well, I was walking in the woods, right..."


The two of them watched as Niall paced the kitchen floor with his hands tangled deep in his blonde locks, tugging at his brunette roots. They had finished explaining the situation, right down to Catherine tricking Harry in the alley at his job. No part of the story was left out, despite Zayn's bidding. Now they were just letting him process.

"But I just-" He paused, shaking his head as he removed his hand to begin biting on his nails. "Don't get it. Why would Louis stay with you if he knew that you killed people?" His oceanic blues stayed trained on Harry who shifted under his gaze.

"His love for me probably distracted him. Or maybe he tried to reason with himself that I was only taking out people who deserved it." Harry replied, looking down as he picked at his nails. "I wanted to know the same thing for a while."

"And you," Niall snapped, glaring at Zayn. "How could you keep this from me? That you were a part of some huge family witch cult and that you made Harry kill people?"

Zayn wanted to keep his mouth shut but he was being asked a question. It was just the wrong questions. He couldn't expect Niall to understand that he did not want to talk about his family due to the fact that they were all dead not because of the reasons he told him earlier in their relationship.

"It was a part of my past that I honestly did not feel like repeating." The warlock admitted. "And I chose that punishment for him because it seemed fitting. He killed me."

"You were out in the woods during the night time!" Harry retorted, "Wearing only dark clothing! Might I add!"

Zayn almost snapped his neck as he looked back at the brunette. "You could have at least helped me instead of acting like an asshole. Thats how you got cursed in the first place."

The man's attitude had to be the main reason as to why he had placed that curse on him. Although he could have chosen a different form of punishment.

"I had somewhere to be... it was my birthday." The taller man huffed, slumping in his seat. His bottom lip jutted out slightly so that he was pouting while Zayn was calling him out on how selfish he had sounded during the time. "You could have at least left my eye color alone."

"Enough!" Niall exclaimed, silencing them both. "Both of you have made extremely poor choices. We get it. All we can do now is move forward and plan on how we can help Louis."

The two other men nodded their heads as they looked in several different directions for any type of inspiration. The three of them threw around ideas for hours.

All that seemed to come to mind was bombarding him with an intervention that would probably do nothing to help. Louis was stubborn. They would have to pull out the big guns. But the thing is, with the small grey eyed man, there were no big guns. Nothing got to him. Not Harry, Not Anne, Not even Zayn.

He would have to be placed in a situation where he is in duress. Where he will be caught off guard.

"We kidnap him." Harry suddenly blurted out from his place in the recliner while Zayn sat upside down on the couch and Niall had taken a seat at the kitchen table.

"Of course the murderer has an idea like that." Zayn grumbled as he spun right-side up. He shook his head at his suggestion, already finding it outrageous.

"Are you crazy?" Niall replied, "Louis wouldn't even say a word if he found out that we had kidnapped him. Plus he knows that we wouldn't hurt him."

"Speak for yourself." The red eyed man muttered, releasing a deep breath as he added: "The last time I saw him, I told him I would kill him if I ever saw him again."

The two husbands gave each other an awkward glance before watching the taller man pick at his nails as if he didn't just threaten the supposed love of his life.

It went silent for a second while everyone thought it over in their minds. It wasn't that bad of an idea when it was planned correctly. They would just need a place to keep him and a for sure way to keep Catherine off their trail.

"It makes sense though," Niall noted, earning a confused look from his husband while he rubbed at his chin.

He had been thrown with so much information in such a short period of time that his mind was all over the place. His husband was a wizard while the man in front of him was a murderer in denial.

He didn't know whether to look at them differently or keep on moving. The second option sounded best. Especially because now wasn't the time to be panicking over them. He had to focus on Louis.

"We could have Louis in our hold. Talk to him and try to reason with him that coming back to the old him will be good. And you know what else that could do?" Niall finished, glancing between the two men who had pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows.

Zayn was the first to jump in his seat when he finally realized what he was saying. "We could use him as bait to bring her out to us." He added, beaming at his husband who was contributing.

"So we can bargain with that stubborn bitch to turn him back." Harry concluded, a dimpled smile spreading on his face as he nodded. It wouldn't take him long to concoct some type of plan for all this to occur.

He had been ravaging up the city for five years now.

The three of them nodded in agreement, smiles on their faces as they plotted in their heads. At one point, Zayn had stood to get a notebook and a pencil.

"So, how should we do this?"

Happy Halloween! 🎃

How have you guys been?
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Lol i'm so corny. Have a good day guys!

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