Seeing them now, I don't know what to feel. We were friends since I moved here, all of us, but not once did they go visit, nor did I receive a letter or anything, and I get it. They were never supposed to know where I was. I doubt they know now. But I've missed them. I just wished that perhaps they tried harder or that I at least had a chance to say goodbye.

However, the smallest and hidden part in my mind tells me otherwise; what if everything I've been telling myself is right, maybe they never wanted to see me, because, who wants to be friends with a person convicted of murder, guilty or not, and even if Brenda has told me countless times during her visit that it's not that. I can't help but think it is.

"Come on," she gently pushes me past the entrance and to a table full of laughter and memories. All which stop when we reach them.

"Guys, this is Amanda. She recently moved here and will be joining us." Brenda introduces.

I stare at every one of them, all different from the last time I've seen them, and even though my thoughts and emotions are everywhere at this point. I can't help but let a smile slip.

"So Amanda," Luke is the first to speak. He leans forward in his chair, arms crossed on the table, and a smirk playing on his lips. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" 

My brows shoot up in surprise, anyone would think that by now he grew out of this- whatever this faze is. I guess not. He's still that boy well teen who makes stupid remarks.

Luke was my brother as the group would put it, not that it bothered me. He was practically the brother I've never had, yet many would make up rumors that he and I were a couple, which were never true. We just had a special bond. Even Jacob would get jealous once in a while whenever rumors would resurface.

 I wonder if we still have that bond.

"You seriously need to get new flirting comments. Those are getting old," remarks Jessica, all while laughing.

"Oh come on that's the best one." He defended.

Jessica rolls her eyes and shakes her head. 

"I'm Jessica, by the way, the cool one, this is Luke the stupid one," She points at Luke.

"Hey, I'm right here!" He pouts, while she ignores him and continues.

"That's Alexander the responsible one, always getting us out of trouble believe it or not, and Sarah- the smart one."

"What about me?" Brenda protests.

"She already knows you, but fine, that's Brenda. The average one." 


I laugh; at least some things hasn't changed.

"You'll get used to this," Sarah says through giggles.

That's what I'm hoping for.


The one thing that hasn't changed in this school is the food, still can't decide if that's a good thing or not. I set my tray down and glance around spotting a vending machine across from where we're seated, something that wasn't there before.

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