Chapter 2: Demands

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When I parked my beat-up truck in the parking lot of Forks high school the next day, I slumped in my seat. I had made sure to be up extra early so I wouldn't have to ride with Edward. I don't understand what's going on in our relationship, but, it's seems pretty rocky.

I remember when I use to think the world seemed to revolve around Edward. I swear, he had me wrapped right around his finger. But now-a-days, he seems so distant.

I groan and bonked my head on the wheel, only to jump what felt like five feet in the air when I heard a tap on my window. I glanced over as I took deep breaths to calm myself down, and felt my eyes widen with surprise.

Jasper gave me a small, apologetic smile and waved slightly. I glanced around, noticing the others didn't seem to be here yet. I relaxed and grabbed my bag. Jasper backed away as I opened the door and stepped out.

It was cold, Forks was always cold, but not as cold as it sometimes was. The wind blew lightly, ruffling my hair and making me pull my light jacket closer. The sun hide behind darks clouds, signaling that it was probably going to rain at some point.

I hitched my backpack higher on my shoulder and turned to Jasper, who seemed to be watching me.

"Where are the others?" I question as I lean against my truck slightly. He shrugs slightly.

"They usually don't get here until later. I'm always the first here, now-a-days. Edward the latest since he usually picks up you," he explains and raises an eyebrow. "Speaking of, why are you here so early?"

I fumble a bit and struggle to keep my emotions calm, hoping not to give anything away.

"I decided I wanted to drive today. I have to buy groceries after school anyway," I lie. Jasper doesn't respond, but let's it slide with a nod.

I glance around and notice more students had started arriving and assumed the others would be here soon. Only this time, Edward would only a few minutes behind them after realizing I was gone.

I felt something cold and wet hit my nose and glanced up. Dark rain clouds had moved and formed over us. More drops fell, hitting me in the face. I repressed a groan and wrinkled my nose, wiping away some of the rain from my face.

I threw a quick glance at Jasper before hurrying over to the overhang of the school. Jasper was close behind and stood a few feet away as we stopped in the cover. I sighed as I wiped my face and urged the time to move faster. We wouldn't be aloud inside for another ten minutes and I wasn't too keen on seeing Edward. I was going to be pushed on why I didn't wait for him.

Jasper kept sending me weird, and confused glances every so often as we stood in surprisingly comfortable silence. Well, except for the kids talking and girls screeching and hugging each other like they haven't seen each other in months.

You just saw her on Friday! Probably yesterday too!

I sighed again when I saw the familiar red BMW and silver Volvo. Parking in the back with my truck and another dark blue truck. I blinked as I watch Edward park between my truck and the blue one, while Rosalie parked next to the blue truck.

It then clicked that Jasper had to get here somehow. That truck must be his, I just never really payed much attention to those things.

Thanks to Edward, I thought bitterly.

Thou, I never noticed it in the garage when I got in the black Mercedes to get away from James. Thought, it was only a quick glance. I swear I should've noticed it. It was a nice vehicle, something I've always wanted after I get rid of my beat up truck.

The four stepped out of their cars and headed quickly our way to get out the rain. I saw annoyance and anger flash through Edwards eyes he approached us, his gaze flickering from me to Jasper and back again.

When he reached me, he put his hands on my shoulders, quiet tightly I must add, and looked me up and down. I restrained myself from flinching and shrugging his hands off, and away from his hold.

"Are you alright?" he demands. No hi, how you doing, how was you weekend? Nothing. Just demands, demands, demands, and more demands.

I scowled and shrugged off his hands.

"I'm fine. No cuts, bruises, or bites. Not a vampire, and I'm not dead. So you can just chill out," I say sharply. Edward blinks in surprise. I glance at Emmett as he lets out a snort of laughter, which he quickly try's to cover up as coughing.

I roll my eyes and turn on my heel to head over to school. But not before glancing at Jasper who looked just as shocked and confused as everyone else, slightly more. Again, I wonder how well he could keep a secret.

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