"Get out of the car Elena." Damon said wearily after opening the passenger door and waited for her to get out.

"Why are we here Damon? I thought you were taking me home." Elena snapped.

"Stefan told me to keep you away from the tomb, and right now I don't trust you to do that." Damon explained. "So I thought I'd keep an eye on you here until I can find a more suitable solution." he added, his voice sounding unexpectedly irritated with her as she got out of the car and slammed the door shut, prompting her to receive a dirty look from Damon and giving Elena a small sense of satisfaction knowing she'd managed to wind him up by being aggressive with his precious car.

Damon locked the car and set off towards the house, Elena followed him until they were at the front door. "So what are you going to do then? Lock me in the dungeon?" she asked, folding her arms indignantly.

"It's a worst case scenario option." Damon said nodding thoughtfully, although Elena knew he was only joking. "But I'm hoping you'll be sensible and spend the night in Stefan's room." he added, his voice suddenly softening as the entered the parlor and Damon made his way straight for the wet bar.

"But why?" Elena queried as she sat down on one of the couches in front of the unlit fireplace.

"Because if you go back to the tomb, Katherine will want to make a happy meal out of you, and if she does, there's nothing Stefan, or I can do about it." Damon told her. "And if Stefan starts to get hungry, well..." he trailed off, his eyes falling to the floor.

"Stefan would never hurt me!" Elena told him, sticking her chin in the air.

"Don't underestimate a vampire's need for blood." Damon warned her. "Instinct will overtake emotions, and Stefan doesn't have the self-control to be around human blood to be able to stop, even with you." he said in such a dangerous way she felt shivers running down her spine.

Deep down Elena knew Damon was right, Stefan had been a different person on human blood. On one occasion he'd almost been violent with her, although she was convinced he was just trying to protect her from himself and deep down would never have physically hurt her. However, the problem she had with sleeping in Stefan's bedroom was although it was cozy while he was in it, sleeping in that big bed all alone wasn't particularly appetizing. There was also the double worry of Elijah being around and not knowing what he was up to, which left her feeling unprotected. The boarding house was not the safest place to stay when it came to being a human who needed protection from rogue vampires and sleeping alone.

"Well I'm not staying in Stefan's room. It's creepy without him in it." Elena said as she watched Damon pour himself a glass of bourbon and drank it all down in one before pouring himself another.

"Fine, sleep in one of the other rooms." he said, waving the glass around. "There's plenty to choose from." Damon shrugged as Elena realized she hadn't got her point across. She wanted to feel safe, and although Damon was probably the most ruthless and dangerous vampire she knew, with her, he was different and she could trust him to protect her. Even more so than Stefan in a strange way. Ever since he'd saved her from Rose, being around Damon had suddenly made her feel safe and secure in a manner she couldn't quite comprehend. In her eyes, there was only one solution to her feeling protected in the creepy old house.

"Okay, I'll stay in your room with you!" Elena insisted.

"What? Why?" Damon asked, clearly taken aback by Elena's bold suggestion.

"Because, any vampire can get into this house, Elijah included." Elena told him as Damon took in a deep breath and sighed, making her wonder if Damon hadn't taken this issue into consideration. "And you're the strongest vampire I trust to protect me, and there's no way you'd get to Stefan's room, or any other room for that matter, in time if someone tries to take me." she added, knowing her assault on Damon's protective nature over her would win out.

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