12 → Explosion

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"Come on

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"Come on. Let's go." The man said, putting the walkie-talkie away.

The group didn't budge.

"I said, let's go!" The man shouted, firing the gun.

The group dodged the bullet and Thomas wrestled the man for the gun. He was unsuccessful and the man backed away.

"You little bastard." He growled, his finger on the trigger.

There was a gunshot, but it didn't come from his gun.

The man fell down to reveal Brenda, her gun pointed right at him.

"Come on." She said, her voice full of urgency.

Vera could hear a helicopter in the distance and without hesitation, she followed Brenda.

She couldn't get caught. Not before she finds the missing subjects.

Music started to play and Vera frowned. Now, why would anyone play music at a time like this?

Ignoring it, Vera continued to follow Brenda, who lead them to Jorge.

"Brenda!" Jorge exclaimed with relief. "Let's go. We don't have much time."

He walked over to a window and pushed it open, revealing the dusty night.

"Right this way." He said, motioning to a little line that connected their building to another's.

"You're kidding," Vera muttered.

"Not if you want to live," Brenda said. "You want to get to the Right Arm? We'll lead you there."

Jorge tugged down a rope that hung from the ceiling.

"Follow me!" He shouted as he jumped, the rope sliding him down the line like a zip line.

"Alright. Let's go." Brenda said, grabbing the ropes and handing it to each of the Immunes, who without hesitation, jumped.

Vera could hear the footsteps of the WCKD soldiers coming up the stairs.

She looked around, trying to find something useful that could help them later.

On the desk was a dozen of tiny vials filled with different color liquids as well a small handgun

"Teresa, go. I'll be right back." Vera told her friend as she ran towards the table.

"Vera? Where are you going?" Newt asked.

Vera quickly rummaged through the drawers to see if there was anything else she could take.

She gathered the vials and the weapon and shoved them in her pocket.

"Vera, what are you doing? Come on." Newt said, grabbing her arm and leading her to the front of the room, where WCKD soldiers were waiting.

"Oh god," Vera mumbled as one of them launched a bullet at her.

She ducked and tried to take a look at the building. It looked familiar, like one of the apartments she used to live in before the Flare took over.

She knew the layout.

"Follow me! I know where I'm going!" Vera called over her shoulder as she ran through the halls, soldiers following her.

As she ran, she noticed the wiring on the walls that connected to the speakers.

Jorge and Brenda must've done something to the building. She realized.

"Over here!" Vera said, stepping onto one of the pipes that held the building together.

"You sure?" Newt asked, eyeing the pipe warily.

"Yes, trust me for once!" Vera replied.

Vera shakily walked on the pipe, her arms outstretched to keep her balance.

The guards were closing in on them.

"Vera? Where do we go?" Newt asked.

"Up here," Vera responded, pulling herself up onto another floor.

Suddenly the song that was playing in the background ended and Vera could faintly hear what sounded like little balls hitting metal.

She could see spots of light illuminating the building.

"Explosion," Newt mumbled.

"Come on, the building's going to collapse!" Vera shouted, grabbing Newt's hand and pulling him up.

First, it was the roof. Then it was the floor they were on.

The pair dropped down to the main floor and into the basement, only to find that there was no exit.

Vera looked up in horror to see rocks falling on top of them.

All was dark as Vera could hear Newt fumbling for his flashlight.

He switched it on and shined it around.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Absolutely great," Vera replied, looking around. "How are we going to get back to the others?"

"Don't worry. We'll find a way." Newt said. "What did you get from back there?"

Vera slipped her hand into her pocket, closing around the vials.

"Chemicals and poisons." She answered. "They could be useful."

"How so?"

"Well, I haven't figured it out yet, but I will. Like how Jorge and Brenda pulled together that explosion. It was brilliant."

"Brilliant? We're trapped in a bloody basement."

"Nevermind. I don't think you would get it."

They were surrounded by dirt and boulders, but there has to be a way out.

"Time to put those chemicals to use." Vera breathed.

It didn't me an hour to write this! Yay!

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It didn't me an hour to write this! Yay!

This one's shorter, I know.

Um, I don't know what to put here. So here's the second question of the day: Would you rather die from a Griever, or die from a Crank?

I would rather die from a Griever because tbh, Cranks are literally nightmare goals.

Thanks for reading!

< Emily >

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