09 → It's Only Going to Get Worse

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It was awkward, as the pair shuffled around in the dark

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It was awkward, as the pair shuffled around in the dark.

After a while, it was Newt who decided to start a conversation.

"It's funny, ya know? How after all this, I still don't know your name." He tried.

Vera looked at him. She was grateful that he had given her earring back to her, but he was still an Immune and she couldn't have any sympathy for them. She couldn't become Thomas and betray WCKD.

But what harm could a name do?

"It's Vera." She finally replied. "My name is Vera."

There was silence and Vera turned to look at Newt, who was trying hard not to smile.

"God. I know we're enemies, but I can't help but say that's a bloody gorgeous name." He said, laughing.

Vera glared at him and walked a little faster.

In the dark, she could see that they were in some sort of abandoned marketplace.

There were clothes and supplies littered everywhere.

"Don't be stupid. Come on, let's get the stuff we need." Vera mumbled.

Newt shrugged and picked up a scarf that was on the floor.

They found other supplies too; food and water. Flashlight and first-aid-kits.

Just looking at these things made Vera shudder.

They're probably infected. She thought.

"Is something wrong?" Newt asked, as he gathered supplies into a bag. "You're not doing anything."

Vera looked at him. "Mm, everything is okay. I think you should focus on getting the right stuff." She replied, staying in the corner.

"Are you going to help?"

"I'm not touching anything."


"Cranks." Vera said, very quietly.

"What the shuck is a-" Newt began, but was interrupted by the sound of crackling electricity and then the lights turned on.

It was an abandoned marketplace and what Vera saw would scar her forever. Hanging from the ceiling was a body drenched in dark blood.

Staring at it in horror, Vera slowly backed away. She collided with a body and whipped around, gasping.

It was Teresa and Aris.

"What in the world is that?" Teresa whispered.

"I don't know, but it's bloody disgusting." Newt responded.

Vera was paralyzed with fear. This was the first time she saw a Crank up close. This was the first time she almost saw a Crank. This was the first time that she saw a Crank dead.

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