04 → Subject A5

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"What are you going to do?" The blonde boy asked

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"What are you going to do?" The blonde boy asked.

Vera noticed that he had an accent and wondered how he became part of this experiment if he was from Europe.

"Nothing too bad. I'm just gathering some blood samples." She replied, pushing up the sleeve of his shirt.

"For what?"

Vera tilted her head and smiled. "Just to make sure that things went alright."

The boy looked like he wanted to ask more questions, but didn't.

She took out an alcoholic swab and swiped it over the area she was going to insert the needle.

"Try not to move," Vera said, adjusting the syringe to where she wanted it to be and placed one of her vials on the table beside her.

She could feel the boy flinch a little as she pushed the plunger and watched as dark red blood steadily flowed into the syringe.

Vera wondered if she was aggressive enough.

She continued to fill the vial until it was full and removed the syringe.

She had a bandage on the table, but she didn't bother to put it on the boy.

"Hey, are you not going to cover this?" The boy asked, pointing to the red dot on his forearm.

Vera took a breath. Something about his voice just made her feel...well, she didn't even know.

"No, because you don't need it." She answered, as calmly as possible.

"It would still be proper of ya." He retorted.

Vera rolled her eyes. And Janson said that this group was smart. "Are you seriously arguing with me over a bandage?"

"Nevermind." The boy muttered as he reached for one on the nearby table.

Vera inhaled sharply. "I think you should be quiet if you want to live."

Without waiting for a response, she took out her walkie-talkie and pushed down a button.

"Vera for Janson. Hey, I'm standing by right now. Send in the others if you can." She said.

There was a crackling sound before Janson responded.

"Copy that. We got the rest of the samples. Meet us in the main room in five. Security should know the way. Bring the Munie." He said.

Vera made a strange sound before turning off the walkie-talkie and grabbing the boy by the arm.

"Okay, let's go." She said, trying her best to drag him out the door, but he was stronger than her and didn't move.

"Come on. Stop wasting my time." Vera muttered as she tried to drag him towards the exit.

The boy laughed and said, "Funny to see ya trying, professional."

"We have five minutes. I can wait."

"We both know that's something you don't want to do."

He stood up and walked to the exit, stopping when he needed Vera to open the door.

Vera raised an eyebrow as she followed him, but a dark mark on the back of his neck caught her attention.

As she peered closer, she realized that WCKD had wrote something.

Subject A5.

This is edited lmao so I don't know what happened before I edited this A/N

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This is edited lmao so I don't know what happened before I edited this A/N. Damn.

Thanks for reading!

< Emily >

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