In a way, this doesn't surprise me. Jacob's always been one of the "popular" ones. He constantly met new people almost every day, waved at everyone he knew and those who were yet to meet him. He even got along with seniors and juniors and helped organize events that were held, and being the captain of the basketball team. Who wouldn't remember him? 

Whoever put them up- the photos and decorations didn't have the heart to take them down, but that's not what causes my heart to somewhat sting. No, its the fact that most of the photos tapped to the locker were ones I took, either from a photography class in freshmen year or from my phone. All with me cropped out.

It's like I never existed.

"That was Jacob Hunter, " A voice says. A girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes stands beside me, staring at both the locker and me. "You would have liked him if you knew him. Every girl was crazy for him, trying to get his attention" I can't help but feel a little jealous, but it was true. Wherever he was- playing basketball or in any event, all eyes were on him. Especially the female population. He just had that vibe that drew you to him. That same vibe that drew me.

I stare at the photos- each one, not sure how to respond; she thinks I'm new I might as well not say anything. "I'm Eva," she turns back towards me and sticks her hand out for me to shake. I don't miss the way she takes in my appearance, both curiosity, and confusion displaying on her features for a second before she shakes her head and smiles. "Amanda," I respond, taking her hand.

A bell suddenly  rings in the building, followed by feet shuffling and byes and lets go filling the air. "Hope I see you around Amanda" She gives me on last smile and she hurries off, but not before turning back to glance at me.

"Amanda!" I turn to the sound of the name and see Brenda hurrying towards me. Her eyes lingering on the locker beside me for a brief moment with my schedule in hand. Of course she would find me here.

"Apparently, all my classes are full, but-" she raises her hands"- we have lunch together." A knot forms in my stomach at her words. Great.

"Here, do you want me to take you to class?" I shake my head. "No, I remember some classes I'll be good. You better get going though you're going to be late."

She pulls me into her arms before hurrying off, wishing me good luck. Something I'm going to be needing.


All eyes turn towards me when I step inside M207, Mrs. Robinson classroom, and whispers seem to go around as I close the door gently behind me.

"Hello, there. You must be Amanda Stewart, our new student," I nod. "Go ahead and take a seat" I glance around, and the only seats that seem to be available are the ones in the front, close to the door. 

I quickly make my way to the seat and just as I'm about to sit, the door opens again, and a guy emerges in.

"Mr. Miller, you finally decide to join my class?" Mrs. Robinson speaks, raising a dark brow at him while crossing her arms over her chest. He shrugs and gives her a smirk as he hands in what appears to be a late note.

Whispers fill the air again yet louder this time as he starts walking to the empty seat beside me, and when he notices me, the smirk on his faces vanishes. He looks confused, kind of like Eva did in the hallway. 

Before Mrs. Robinson calls him out again, he gains composure and finally takes a seat beside me. The whispers stop, surely wondering what his next move will be. I'm guessing this seat has always been empty. 

I sit still while the teacher calls out the roll, but my mind cant seem to pick up any names she calls. instead, its focus on the person beside me. Without thinking I turn to look at him, and when I do, his grey eyes meet my blue ones for a second before I turn and face the front again.

 Finally Mrs. Robinson begins her lesson, and throughout it all, I can feel his gaze on me once in a while, watching me. 

He's just curious. You're the "new" girl after all, but something about him makes me feel nervous. Not because he's hot; because believe me, he is. But something else. Something I can't quite place.

Thankfully, class goes by fast, and by the time the bell rings. I quickly gather my things and head out, taking a look at my schedule again.

I don't make it far. Footsteps rush towards me and a hand touches my shoulder, and once again, I'm staring into his grey eyes.

"Hey, sorry about-" he points back "-what happened in there," he apologizes. His voice is deep and rich, like a musical melody, which sends goosebumps up my arms. I  ignore the feeling and shrug "It's okay. I get it. I'm new. You're just curious." 

"It's not just that but-" He pauses and shakes his head "I don't know I simply wanted to apologize."

 I nod and give him a smile. Which he easily returns. His smile-

"Do you want me to help you look for your next class?" I snap out of my sudden trance and hand him my schedule. Get a grip, Amanda, you're looking like a fool.

I follow close beside him, and already, I can feel people looking at us closely as we pass by them. 

"So, I'm guessing you moved here or something?" he asks while both of us try to avoid getting hit by book-bags and student who are making their way to class.

I've actually lived here my whole life minus the 2 years and something months-days that I was gone. "Yeah."

"Where did you come from?"

I begin to panic. What do I say?

"Umm, Florida" I blurt out, a little too loud for my liking.

Honestly, I've never been to Florida before but what was I suppose to say; it's not like I practiced any speeches or anything. Which now thinking about it would have been a good idea.

 "That's cool." He says, his eyes scanning on the numbers of each door we pass.

Once we reach my destination, he hands my schedule back. "Here you go," he gestures to the art classroom where already students are gathering their art supplies "It was nice meeting you...." he pauses for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Amanda," I answer.

"Right, Amanda. I'll see you around."

"Wait-"I call out just as hes about to turn and walk away. 

"I didn't get your name."

He a smile tugs on his lips. "Derek."

He gives me one last wave before turning and leaving in the same direction we came from, and throughout it all. I can't help but look at his retreating figure as he walks away, disappearing through the mass of students.

A/N: If you would like to make a book cover or anything else that would be great. Sorry about any mistakes, and feel free to comment and vote:) I really appreciate it.

Here is a random question :Who is your favorite singer? Mine is Halsey :)

Until next time- Booknerd out 

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