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"Who are you? And why should I trust you?" I ask. He walks towards me with a serious facial expression and his hand still running through his hair.

"If you must know my name is Kim Taehyung." he says softly. I watch him as he walks over to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask tensing up. He removes his hands from his hair then into his pocket. He then finds a key and waves it in the air. "Well I need to get you out of this mess." he whispers as he tries to find the key hole.

He sighs and becomes very concentrated. "What have they done to you?" he asks bending down so that our faces are only a few centimetres apart. I manage to shrug my shoulders.

Only a few seconds later I feel the strangulation of the chains loosen. I was relieved and relaxed after that moment. I take in deep breaths and then breathe out. I have never loved breathing so much. I was still taking in deep breaths until I got caught off guard when I realised Taehyung was watching me breathe.

"I've never seen someone breathe in and out so much with a smile." he acknowledged. I gave a sarcastic smile.

"You try being chained to a pole for a few hours." I pointed out standing up and removing the chains from my legs.

"I have been chained to a pole before." he said laughing making me look at him. I looked at him in disbelief. "Are you being serious?" I ask looking at him like he was an idiot which he was.

He nodded. "It's true but it was my own doing." he acknowledges as he picks up his helmet he threw on the ground.

I sigh. "You're just as bad as the princes I had to deal with today.." I say as I begin to make my way towards the door until a hand stopped me.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he pulled me into him. " You can't go out there! Have you seen what she has done!" he panicked as he tried to close the door.

I looked at him in the eyes and smiled sarcastically. " I'm gonna fight my mother and then save my father." I say trying to exit again.

"No! You can't go." he says pushing me towards the window. I started to become a bit hesitant of this guy now. I was still being backed towards the window until I felt it hit my back.

"You can't tell me what to do! " I yell just before he puts his hands in my mouth. "Shh..." he says as I start to become nervous. I removed his hand for some air and to ask him "What are you doing?" as I close my eyes.

He leans into me and puts his arm against the window and pushes it open. "I need you to trust me. Okay?" he says as I feel his hands on my shoulders. My eyes were tightly closed and I then felt my body get pushed.

"I'm sorry." I hear him say. This isn't normal I think. I open my eyes and gasp. "Definitely not normal." I feel like I'm falling forever until I hear "Catch her!!" I hit the ground hard but more my head.

I was definitely on the ground now and everything was weird. I saw another face in mine asking if I was okay. I tried smiling and nodding but I started to become unconscious.

Everything was spinning and the colours and surroundings were starting to fade into darkness. I haven't experienced this before.

a few hours later

I soon began to awake from my unconscious state. My eyes open slowly so that I can adjust to the new setting. Trees and birds chirping was a dead giveaway I was in a forest.

I bring myself up slowly and touch my head. "Ouch." I say as I quickly remove my hand. "Are you okay?" I hear a soft voice say. The person of the voice crawls past me and sits in front of me and examines my head.

He has chocolate brown hair and eyes. He looks maybe only two years younger than me and his face was full of concern.

"Your head looks like it's in pain." he says concerned as he tries to stop the swelling as he puts a towel sort thing on my forehead.

He then tries to touch it before I grab his wrist and push it away. "Please don't touch it." I say annoyed and tiredly.

"I'm sorry..." he whispers as he stands up walking away from me. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes until the sound of sticks breaking broke it. My eyes widened which then made me realise to make an attempt to stand up.

The guys eyes widens and runs towards me pushing me over into the bushes. My eyes were closed until I felt something fall on top of me.

My eyes opened and the guy who I must admit looked cute was on top of me looking behind his shoulder. "Wha-" I began to say before he covered my mouth with his hand.

The sticks breaking got louder and closer as we lay in the bush. " Do you see anything?" a rough voice says as more sticks break around us.

"Nothing." the other man says. "Let's get going and just tell the Queen we couldn't find her." they say walking away.

"Jungkook? What are you doing to the Princess?" I hear a familiar voice say. The guy on top of me responds and turns his head. "Nothing. " he quickly says getting up and walking to Taehyung.

"You almost killed me!" I say to Jungkook as he looked at me like I was crazy. "I protected you and saved you." he said. " I protected you from the guards.." he says trembling on each of the words and ending up in tears. I sit up and see Taehyung hug Jungkook before looking back at me.

"Princess.... umm what's your name?" he asks. "I'm Alice." I say dusting the dirt off my clothing. "Well Princess Alice Jungkook is sensitive so be careful of what you say." he sternly said.

I looked over at Jungkook as he still wiped away tears. "I'm sorry.." I say sincerely as I stand up and walk over to him. He watches and hides behind Taehyung.


We all turn and see the Queens guards on horses with pistols in their hands with the horses galloping.

"RUN!" I say taking Jungkooks and Taehyungs wrist with both my hands. They were both scared and so was I.

"I know a short cut. Follow me!" Taehyung says breaking off from me and running into a small pathway with Jungkook. I looked at the sign and it had wolves written on it.

I looked at it then at Taehyung and Jungkook who were still running. "Taehyung! Jungkook!" I yell as the Queens guards get closer. I then had an idea.

"Alice! Alice!" I could hear Jungkook and Taehyung yell.

I fell to the ground and tightly closed my eyes. This better work or I'm done for.

Prince of Hearts // kth Where stories live. Discover now