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I sat there in my throne filled with boredom as prince after prince tried to win me over with the old cliche love quotes. The next prince was just as bad with the words "You're not like other girls." falling out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as he left.

Some of them came on too strong but if I'm being totally honest I really just don't want a relationship. I want to be loved for who I am not for my title. It's all my parents fault. They want me to grow up and get married but I haven't even experienced life because there is no such thing called 'freedom' in this family.

My mother lets the princes exit as they blow kisses to me. I sit there with a hand one my forehand and stand up from the throne. As I stood up I walked down to my mother and smiled sarcastically. She turns and puts her hands on my shoulders. I look into her blue eyes. The ones that gave you guidance and comfort and the ones that would want to make you run away.

"Alice. Have you thought about what you're going to do?" she asks smiling. I remove her arms from my shoulder and place my hands in hers. "No. I think-" I was then cut off by my own mother with a stern look on her face.

"Alice. This is not a game." she speaks as she turns and walks away from me. "I know. I know. But I'm just not ready for a relationship with someone I don't love or who I barely know for who they are." I whisper bowing my head down in disappointment.

"Look where me and your father are. We are the happiest king and queen." she emphasised.

I nod and smile trying hard not to show any emotion. "Your a princess. There's not such thing as love like what you hope for." She says fixing her hair and turning back to me.

"Anyway Alice go to your father and discuss this matter with him. I have important duties to attend to myself." She announced as she walked up the stairs.

I sighed and groaned as I made my way to see my father. Last time I brought this up he ended up getting so mad he nearly hit the poor maid Elizabeth with a sword. I'm pretty sure she hasn't forgiven him for that.

His door was slightly open and I could hear him singing a song he used to sing to me when I was only just a child. I smiled and began to giggle he was the worst singer.

I knocked on the door and waited for his voice to allow me in. "Come on in." he hummed. I opened the door and saw him singing to my dog. "Ah. If it isn't my beautiful princes." he pointed out with a beaming smile.

"Take a seat." he says as he gestures his hand to an empty seat. I smile and put my hands through my hair and let out a sigh loud enough for my father to hear.

"Why are you here?" he questions me as I sink back into the chair. It was silence for a few minutes and then it was broken by me. "Father I don't want to get married...." I say looking down at my hands waiting for him to say something.

"I know. After last time I thought about it and I know what you mean. I know your mother is still wanting you to marry a prince but I just want you to be happy." he smiles as I look back at him.

My eyes widened at what he said. "Really?" I asked surprised. He nodded. "Don't tell your mother.." he muttered quietly. Just as I was about to smile I heard someone walk in.

"Don't tell your mother what?" a voice says with anger. I turn and see my mother with her arms folded.

My father tells me to exit as he and my mother talk. I put my ear up to the door and listen in on the conversation. I can hear little bits but the longer I listen for the louder it gets.

"Get out of this castle now." my mother yells. I then hear some more yelling until I hear her yell "Guards." I turn and kick the door open. My mother had a sword in her hand holding it against my fathers throat.

"Mother what are you doing?" I shrieked as the guards walked in pushing me out of the way.

She turned to me and smiled evilly. "I have tried to help you and you won't accept it." My father was really concerned about that. "Alice don't get involved please." he pleaded as the swords edge sits on his throat.

"Let him go!" I yell as loud as I could. The guards draw out their swords on me as requested by my mother. "Don't do this..." I say as I back myself into a corner. My mother makes her way towards me as one of the guards restrains me.

"Honey or princess whatever you prefer. If there's one thing I learnt in life it's that you don't always get what you want." she whispers in my ear as she slaps my face and kicks my tummy.

I groan out in pain as my father watches with concern as I fall to the ground. "Take her away and lock her up so she is never found." she directed the guards.

They picked me up roughly and took me to the highest tower in the castle. God knows what happened to my father or where they took him. They opened the door and chained me to the pole and locked me inside. I fell to the ground and was tired.

"That'll teach you for treating her majesty badly." one of the guards said as he closed the door.

How could she lie to me after all these years? Is this what she really had planned and set out?

I began to feel drowsy and I ended up falling asleep until I heard something which jolted me awake. I began to think of all of these scenarios of what could happen.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a loud knock on the door then a deep voice saying "Damn where's the key?" I watched to see if door would open and after the minutes it did.

In walked this tall man with a helmet on his head. He started to mumble something but I didn't understand what he was saying.

"Sorry. What are you saying?" I ask with no energy. He takes off his helmet and runs his hand through his hair as he chucks the helmet on the ground.

"Are you the princess?" he asks raising an eyebrow. I nod slowly and tiredly as I try and process why he would be here.

"I'm here to rescue you." he says quietly.

Oh no.

Prince of Hearts // kth Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora