Arranged Marriage

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Jin and I were walking out of school holding hands when he suddenly came to a stop. His grip tightened around my hand as I looked at him. "Whats wrong?"

"My dad." He mumbled as I looked forward seeing a black car with tinted windows when a man, being a chauffeur opened the door to the backseat revealing a man stepping out. He was just as handsome as Jin, no wonder Jin was good looking. "Wait here." He let go of my hand my hand and was about to walk to his father but instead he walked towards us.

"Seokjin, been a while." His father said looking at him.

"It has, how are you dad?" He asked him crossing his arms.

"Good, glad I got to see my son. Considering, you wouldn't come visit me." He said as Jin rolled his eyes. "And who is the young lady here?"

Jin looked at me. "This is Chae, my girlfriend. Chae, meet my dad."

"Girlfriend? Didn't we talk about this?" His dad raised a brow. "I already have someone picked out for you."

"Like an arranged marriage?" I suddenly asked him.

"OF course, what else would it be young lady?" He nearly snapped at me.

"Dad. She's my girlfriend who has a name." Jin snapped back. "Chae Eun is the girl I want to date, I'm not marrying whats her face. Now leave it be."

"You want my company one day right?" His father chuckled. "Then you must marry the girl I picked, you will love her. Her name is Kim Jisoo."

I nearly scoffed making his dad look at me. "A good father would give his son the company if he deserves it, not because he isn't going to marry the woman you want."

"Little girl, you don't understand business. Let me ask you, do you love Seokjin? Do you plan on marrying my son? Or how about having his kids? He's at the age he needs to think about settling down and his future." He said.

"Excuse me, but you don't know how I feel." I snapped at him. "I really like Jin, have I thought about a future with him? Sure. We are still in high school, we have plenty of time to think."

"Then you wouldn't have a problem if you join me and my son for dinner right?" He smiled.

"I'd love to." I said as he nodded. 

"Come by tonight then, our place. See you then, Miss Chae. Son." He chuckled before walking off back to his car.

Jin sighed shaking his head. "You shouldn't have agreed that. Jisoo is going to be there." He said taking my hand and we went to his car getting inside it.

"So what? You and I both obviously agreed we are still going to date right?" I looked at him as he grabbed his keys.

"Of course, but babe." He sighed again. "I know Jisoo okay? She's very.. Vindicating, very manipulative. She uses her beauty against men and using her intelligence against women."

"So you find her beautiful?" I clicked my tongue of annoyance.

"She is a very beautiful woman- Wait, I mean she's average." He quickly corrected himself looking at me and went to take my hand but I pulled away. "I didn't mean it, I mean of course there are girls who are pretty and-"

"Right. That's okay." I nodded my head. "I get it."

He suddenly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Park Chae Eun. She may be pretty, but your drop dead gorgeous. I don't want to kiss her, I want to kiss you. I don't want to touch her body, I want to touch yours. Chae, I love everything about you. Your lips, your eyes, your voice, your hair, everything. You know why?"

"W-Why?" I stuttered, the way his voice was so deep it gave me chills. 

"Because Chae, I love you." He said softly before kissing me gently. "I know we've only dated for like a week, but I fell in love with you the moment I saw you."

"Why are you so smooth?" I let out a small laugh as so did he. "Kim Seokjin, I love you too."

"I know." He smirked making me roll my eyes. "How could you not?"

"Ass." I pushed him away.

"Aw, baby! He whined trying to kiss me again but I refused. "I'm sorry!" He pouted, he was this totally different person outside of school. In school he was this tough, bad boy like rich boy who everyone either feared, loved or hated. But when its outside, he was soft and sweet to me. He always knew what to say to me, it was perfect. 

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