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"Chae Eun." Jin grabbed my wrist in school in front of everyone not caring and dragged me to the stairwell we always end up in and slammed the door behind him. He looked at me before pinning me to the wall causing my eyes to widen a bit.

"What are you doing?" I nearly snapped at him.

"Taeyong, really?" He scoffed putting both arms beside me trapping me on the wall. "Are you really interested in him still?"

"And that's your business how?" I  rolled my eyes.

"Park Chae Eun!" He growled causing me to gulp. 

I looked away from his eyes, why did he always look good? He was wearing a tie with a button up shirt and fancy pants. Honestly, he looked stunning and it was hard not to look at him. "What?" I mumbled.

"How long do you plan on dating Taeyong?" He raised a brow.

"I'm not dating him, one date doesn't mean I'm dating him." I looked at him as my heart skipped a beat, his hair was in his face nearly covering his eyes. 

"I don't want you with him." He deadpanned.

"You can't tell me what to do." I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"I don't like sharing what's mine."

My eyes widen a bit. "Whats yours? I'm not some property, Kim Seokjin!"

"You're mine." He simply responded to me. "Not Taeyong's, not Namjoon's, mine."

"I don't want to be yours." I rolled my eyes when he suddenly lifted my chin so I was angled just right to kiss him.

"Liar." He chuckled before he pressed his lips against mine, they were soft and sweet just like the last time. Except this kiss was more passionate, like he could actually have real feelings for me.

"You don't like me that way Jin..." I pulled back.

"You think I wouldn't like you if I just kissed you right now? Fuck Chae, do I need to spell it out for you?" He groaned.

"Apparently." I rolled my eyes again at his rudeness.

He sighed and realeased me from his arms. "You're mine, ever since we met I've picked on you. I don't pick on other girls, I would always swoon them."

"Not helping your case." I mumbled.

"BUT!" He hissed a bit. "I didn't want to just swoon you, I wanted to make fun of you, make you want me. But you never did which made me want you more. And then when Namjoon rescued you it made me the most jealous person to ever fucking exist! I hate him even touching you. And Taeyong your annoying ex, he broke your heart and he touched you. I wanted to beat him."

"Really?" I looked at him.

"Yeah, I even get jealous when other guys just stare at you Chae." He sighed. "I also joined drama to get closer to you. What I said was true, but I wanted to do something with you. And with my friends, I panicked and I just fucked everything up even worse."


"I don't get how you can make me feel this way, I've never felt this with another girl before. And I never thought it would be you, especially with how much we fight. But alas, its you."

"JIN!" I yelled catching his attention, god he babbles a lot.

He looked at me rubbing his neck. "Yeah?"

"Then why don't we give this a chance?" I raised a brow.

"Us? You want to give us a chance?" He smirk crept on his face.

"Unless of course, you don't want to. Taeyong said he was all about a second chance with me-"

Jin grabbed my waist and pulled me against his body. "If I hear his name escape your perfect luscious lips again, I will beat him." He growled.

"Well shit." I chuckled before he kissed me again.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to kiss your lips since I met you." He mumbled against my lips as I laughed backing up.

"God, are you becoming soft?"

"Fuck no!" He rolled his eyes. "We should keep our relationship hush hush for a bit."

"Embarassed of me?"

He glared at me. "Of course not princess, lots of guys in school want you so I'm going to love showing you off.  Between my friends, your friends and our reputations, there will be a lot of hate."

"My friends all ship me with you except Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon." I smirked.

"Of course, all the guys you're friends with." he rolled his eyes. "Well, fuck them then. Come on." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the hallway as people stared at our hands, I gulped as Namjoon came over to us with Yoongi and Hoseok looked hella scared of the other two.

"Kim Seokjin, get away from Chae-"

"She's mine." Jin put his arm around me. "So I'll do no such thing."

"Chae?" Yoongi looked at me.'

I cleared my throat. "Uhm. We are dating."

"WHAT!?" Namjoon yelled. "No! Not after everything he has done to you, I knew you liked him but he has hurt you and made you cry for almost a whole week!"

"I apologized for that Joonie." Jin smirked.

"Chae, think about who he is. Player, rude, cocky." Yoongi reminded me. "What makes you think he isn't going to cheat on you when some other girl he likes comes along?"

"Guess I'll have to trust him-"

"Trust?" Namjoon scoffed. "I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him, Chae. He's going to hurt you, and I'm not going to be here to pick up the pieces when it happens. In fact, I'll tell you I told you so."


"No, fuck off." He growled before he and Yoongi and Hoseok walked off past us making me sigh.

Jin tightened his grip on me. "Arrogant assholes. Talk to you like that." He spat out of anger.

"Just ignore it." I sighed. "They will come around eventually, he's just being a stubborn brat."

"I don't like the way he talked to you." Jin said as we continued walking down the hall. "We are hanging out after school with my friends."

"Your friends hate me." I mumbled to him.

"No they don't. I told them to be like that so we would argue more." He snickered.

"You brat." I laughed as we went to class.

Namjoon will come around wont he? I'd miss him way too much. Or maybe hes right, maybe this relationship with Jin will backfire...

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