Chapter 22

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Its been a few weeks since Jimin moved away and it feels as if my life has gone hectic, I've had to start skipping school even more since Mr. Kim has needed my help, I've doubled on my dance practice to prepare for a music video, causing Yugyeom and I not to be able to see each other as much but luckily since Mr. Kim is friends with Chen Sting I'm able to sit with Yugyeom while he practices that's usually our only time to hang out. I haven't seen my brother since the day I went over to Tate's house after Jimin left and I'm pretty sad because of that I mean just as him and I got close I'm getting busy again. Yugyeom and I are usually to tired on the weekends to do anything and I have homework so we don't get to go on our fun dates as much. The opportunity to go overseas is still on the table until the end of the school year but I can't leave Yugyeom. Ah I wish I would have a break already I feel like my energy is zero since Jimin left I want him to come back!

"Hello?" I just got done with training and I decided to stop by Tate's house "Koda?" I looked up to see Tate and I bowed "Is Justin here?" He rubbed his neck and I closed the door as I checked my watch its already 3 in the morning "Ah he just left to go to Yugyeom's place, I thought you'd be over there why are you here?" I looked around is he alone? "Ah Yugyeom and I just got done practicing , we're tired from training but I wanted to see my brother if I knew he was going to their dorm I would of just rode with Yugyeom..." I sighed as I stretched a bit I really don't want to walk all the way to Yugyeom's house since my manager already dropped me off, ah I miss him and I defiantly don't want to go back to my apartment "I'm about to start a new drama, you should relax." I looked towards Tate and he sat down on the couch and raised up a bowl "I have ramen." A small smile reached my lips and I took my shoes off "I'll go get the kimchi." Walking to the kitchen I opened the fridge to see lettuce wraps and I smiled a bit as I leaned on the door as I thought of a memory from when Tate and I stayed up till 3 watching an anime.

'I'll always have lettuce wraps for you so you will never go hungry!'

I laughed a bit at the memory of us being weird and I grabbed the kimchi and walked back into the living room "What's the drama about?" I set the kimchi down and sat on the opposite side of the couch from him he's acting friendly but I don't want to push my boundaries so he doesn't get mad "I don't really know I think its about a collage student." I nodded and laid my head on my arm it feels nice being back on this couch and with Tate, looking towards him he was eating and watching the tv I no longer knew how to talk to him he seemed far away. Do all friendships end like that? Or were Tate and I even friends? I felt my eyes getting heavy and my brain was starting to turn to mush "Ele." I looked down at my arm as I pinched my skin why can I never get you out of my head? Aren't big brother suppose to make you feel safe? Butthead

Falling asleep my heart hurt when I thought it would feel light, being with him has always made me feel lighter but now all I want to do is scream I'm in pain because of how far apart we are, I'm in pain because when I was hurt you didn't rush to my side, I'm hurt you weren't happy for me when I started dating Yugyeom instead you pushed me away and left me alone, I hurt because well I hurt because I think so fondly of you as a friend but you just left me. It seems when I take a step further you grow farther away from me and endless bad dream where I keep chasing you but never getting closer, why can't you reach for me? Waking up in a jolt I looked around to see I was in Tate's living room, looking down I had a blanket draped over me and I slumped back down as I whipped the sweat off of my forehead I've been having nightmares a lot more then I used to looking over the tv was off and Tate was no where to be seen, standing up I folded the blanket and rubbed my face a bit to take the tiredness away walking upstairs I stopped at Tate's room and quietly opened the door to see him sleeping. Carefully I walked in a fixed his covers "Thanks Tate." Leaving his room I walked downstairs and put my shoes on and headed out and went back to my apartment I hope I was able to help him some how by doing that.

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