Chapter 20

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Meeting with Junior's parents I was headed to a close by restaurant, with a smile on my face I was ready to move on "Mr. and Mrs. Park nice to see you again." I jogged up towards them and bowed "Oh Koda! You're here early." I smiled and nodded as I sat across from them "I didn't want to keep you waiting, I signed the contracts but my brother won't be moving with me he wants to stay with Tate." The nodded and I handed them the folder "Did you read through everything? Is there anything you want to change or are you just happy with it?" I laughed a little and shook my head "I'm happy with everything that was in there, and thank you for the letter sir it meant a lot." He smiled as he signed the papers "Thank you Koda, well if you want we have all of the papers signed would you like to see your new apartment after we eat?" I nodded as I grinned from ear to ear I'm really excited!!

Once our food came we didn't talk much and only ate, but it felt nice truthfully I've never went out to eat with my parents we were never that close "Koda?" I looked up to see Jimin and Jae "Oh hey!" I smiled and they sat next to us "Mr. and Mrs. Park nice to see you again." They both bowed towards the two adults and I finished up with my food "What are you guys doing?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders "I just got done with dance and I saw Jae leaving his piano class so we decided to grab a bite to eat." I nodded and Mr. and Mrs. Park stood up "Koda should we get going now?" I looked towards them and whipped my mouth nodding in agreement "Where are you guys headed?" I smiled and looked towards them "I'm moving into a new apartment." Jimin looked at me shocked while Jae looked happy "Really?! That's awesome Koda! Call us when you need help moving stuff!" I nodded and hugged Jae and Jimin hugged me "Call me later okay?" I nodded and walked off with Juniors parents excited to see my new apartment.

"You seem very close with all of them, our son once said that they don't usually let girls in you must have made a rather good impression." I looked towards Juniors mom and bowed "Thank you ma'am but really it was them who gave a good impression, I was hesitant at first to start hanging out with my brothers friends but they never let me feel excluded or lost." She smiled and nodded "But I gladly stumbled upon your son and his friends, granted I'm thankful for the family I have with my brothers friends but with Junior and them I feel as if I really did find my group of best friends forever." They smiled and patted my back causing me to feel as if I was with my grandparents once again and we soon got to an apartment complex and my jaw dropped in awe it was beautiful.

"Your room is 206, and the code is 1201." I bowed as I thanked them a million of times and they started walking away, jumping around I waved them off until I could no longer see them. Quickly I pulled out my phone and called Yugyeom "Kod-" I cut him off as I ran into the building "Come to my new apartment, room 206 the passcode is 1201 I'll send you the address! Bring anyone that's free its time for a movie marathon!" I got into the evaluator and just as it was about to close someone's hand popped in making me jump a little "Phew that was a close one." The door opened revealing a rather tall guy with light brown hair and fairly big ears "Oh I've never seen you around, are you new?" He looked towards me and I smiled and nodded as I put my phone away "Yes I'm going to start living in apartment 206, I'm Jeon Koda its nice to meet you." I bowed and he bowed as well and his smile grew "That's great, we're neighbors! I'm Park Chanyeol from room 205, I thought other people were living in that apartment? When did they move out?"

I looked towards him and analyzed his features a bit cute more like he's really cute, wait Koda what am I thinking? Yugyeom is my boyfriend but wait why does that mean everyone else has to be ugly? Eh its only my thoughts no harm in thinking this guy is attractive "I'm renting it from them, if I am a model for their company I get to live here." He nodded now putting the puzzle pieces altogether when he suddenly paled "Ah just a fair warning I live with 11 other guys, so sorry if we're loud." I shook my head as I smiled towards him he's a nice person "I have a twin brother I'm used to loud." The elevator opened and we walked out "That's good to here, we'll stop by later and welcome you properly it was nice meeting you Koda." I nodded and bowed as I got to my door I quickly punched the code in and walked inside and I starred in amazement it was huge! Running around I giggled to myself as I was in awe "Ah I'm so happy!!" I jumped into the bed and ruffled it up a bit I'm so happy this is actually happening I've always wanted my own apartment.

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