Chapter 14

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"Jeon please just this once look at me instead of him.." I looked towards my shoe and shook my head a bit sitting back I looked up at the ceiling. "What the hell did he mean by that?" Ah after he said that he just left leaving me with so many questions I kept on dreaming about it! Ruffling up my hair I stomped my feet a bit "Is the great Jeon Koda getting nervous?"  I looked up to see Vernon. "Oh, no I'm just irritated about something..." I looked away from him and bit my thumb nail 'Jeon please just this once look at me instead of him..' I dropped my head in defeat and I heard chuckling. "Is it that Yugyeom that's making you act like this?" I glanced towards him "Yeah how'd you know?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I knew they were following us the entire time, BamBam can't hide that well and that guy was glaring at me almost the entire time! He's quite intimidating but it made me want to see how far I could push him, when he walked off with you I knew he'd probably slip out of his best friend roll and say something, so Koda what did he say to you?" 

I turned a bit red and looked towards the ceiling "Jeon please just this once look at me instead of him.." He hummed. "Wow that's bold and leaves room for so many questions, are you sure you'll be okay to perform today?" I rubbed my neck. "Yeah of course but I don't think I'll be able to concentrate very well." He stood up and knelt in front of me "Let me ask, you think you like Yugyeom?" I puffed my cheeks out and hummed. "W-Well you see I t-think I like this other guy... But he's not here right now and a few things have recently happened... But at the same time I don't even know where to begin with my feelings towards Yugyeom.." 

The picture of Tate and that girl popped into my brain and it seemed like another 50 pound rock slammed onto my back. "I didn't hear a no, do you find comfort in being around Yugyeom?" I nodded and he placed his hand on my head. "Then pursue those feelings, yeah you might like someone else but I don't see him any where but last night Yugyeom instantly knew that you were uncomfortable and he came to help you. I think you should give the guy a chance." I looked towards him as realization hit me "Yugyeom likes me?!" He started laughing and stood up putting his hands in his pockets. "That's my guess, but hey you never know unless you make the first move~" He walked off, but before he turned around and smirked "Oh, and Koda? I'm expecting that hug when we beat you." I smiled a bit now feeling a little better "Yeah right you better have a really nice sweatshirt for me Vernon!"

He walked away and I looked down at my hands and took a deep breath I felt a bit better after talking about my problems; I didn't feel so suffocated anymore. "Yo Jeon why are you smiling at your hands like that?" I looked up to see Yugyeom and I turned red and grinned "What the hell.. Are you feeling well?" He put his hand on my forehead and I nodded "I'm fine, hey after the performance I have to leave for a second so wait for me at this exact spot okay?" He looked beyond confused but none the less he nodded and I looked at my hand with his "Lets go watch the other performances I'm sure they'll all be great but we'll rain on top!" I pulled him towards the back stage and sat down on a couple of mic boxes when my phone rang looking down I saw it was a picture with everyone in it "Good luck sis, we're all routing for you!" I teared up a bit when I read my brother message, pulling the picture up I frowned once I saw Tate next to that girl "Hey no time to get down, just focus on the good luck your brother gave you." Yugyeom grabbed my head and I looked towards him "Your brother obviously doesn't like me but to see him wishing you a good luck that's defiantly an assured win for us." Smiling I leaned into him and decided to text him back "Thank you Justin and everyone else, we'll be sure to work extra hard!"

I suddenly heard the crowd get loud so I looked up "Oh Vernon is up." I put my phone away and focused on the dance it was amazing everything was perfect and everyone was in sync if he's actually serious about being a trainee I wouldn't be surprised he's amazing. He glanced over towards us and winked causing me to laugh a bit "I don't like that guy at all.." I looked towards Yugyeom and he seemed upset "If he wins I have to go and give him a hug in front of everyone." His eyes widened and he looked towards me "That's it, we're going to go practice right now." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet causing me to laugh running to the back I rammed shoulders with a guy looking at him he was wearing a mask but something felt familiar which caused me to stop running "Jeon? What's wrong?" I shook my head a bit and looked back to see the guy was now gone "I-I.. Nothings wrong I thought I just saw someone." I looked back towards Yugyeom and skipped ahead "Come on~" I had a bad feeling now but I pushed it away as my competitive side came out we're defiantly going to win!

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