Chapter 9~~

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We were on the train headed to Busan and I was sitting next to Tate to say I was nervous was an understatement, Justin and I came here a few weekends ago but it was only to see grandma and grandpa... There may be a chance that we see people from middle school what if they find about what happened in middle school? Will they look at me differently? Will they pity me or be disgusted with me I'm so worried they will no longer want to be my friend if they learn about my past. "Koda your phone has been ringing for some time now." I looked towards Tate and soon heard my ring tone "Oh sorry."

I picked it up and walked into the next cart "Hello?" It was an unknown number which freaked me out a bit "Do you know where Yugyeom is? This is JB." I looked out the window "No I saw them about 7 hours ago I'm on my way to Busan right now, why?" He sighed "BamBam came home upset telling us Yugyeom is being an idiot and now he won't answer his phone or texts I'm getting worried, if he contacts you please let me know." I frowned as worry filled me "Defiantly I'll try and call him now." I hung up and quickly dialed Yugyeom's number "Busan already boring?" He sound upset defiantly not his normal voice "We're still on the train so I wouldn't be able to tell you, by the way the dress you got me is super soft." He hummed and I looked towards the moon that was starting to rise "Yugyeom are you alright? You sound funny." He scoffed "Look at you, you think you know what everyone is feeling huh? God that's really annoying." My eyes widened "Yugyeom I'm sorry if I made you mad but the others are worried about you, you should head home." I tightened my grip around the phone "Jeon just stay in Busan I don't want to hang out with you anymore." The line went dead and my eyes started to water quickly I went to BamBam's snap chat "Please tell me what happened why is Yugyeom so upset??" I sat down as my vision got blurry once BamBam wrote back I quickly read it "Enjoy your trip K, we'll see you in school :)" A few tears fell and I tried to call Yugyeom again but he didn't answer, so I tried to text him "I thought we were friends did I annoy you that much?" He read it "No you didn't, don't think like that I just don't want to be friends anymore." A few more tears fell I felt like my heart was being crushed "Jeon only trouble is caused when we hang out and I don't want to get involved with that so sorry but stay away." I whipped my eyes "We'll still dance.. right?" He read it but didn't reply and I curled into a bawl and I felt like my heart froze over I was so confused and I didn't understand why suddenly he would say that when just a few hours ago he was giving me a piggy back ride.

I started shaking it hurt I don't know why it hurt so much since we've only been friends for around 2 weeks but it felt like ages we've already done so much and just to suddenly hear him say he doesn't want to be friends any more it hurts.. A few more tears fell and I felt someone grab my head looking up I saw Justin "Are you that scared to go back?" I whipped my eyes and sniffled a bit "N-No I just got something in my eye." He whipped my cheeks and I quickly stood up and tried to fix myself some more "When we get there you'll feel better trust me, because we're all together right?" I nodded as I looked down at my phone "Justin once you become friends with someone even if its not for long and they tell you to leave them alone its okay to hurt right?" He looked at me confused and I rubbed my neck "I read a book about it and I wanted your input." He nodded and smiled softly "Well yeah it doesn't matter how short or how long the friendship is if you trusted and truly cared for the person it hurts like hell when they leave." He patted my head "And even if you fight and never talk to each other again you'll always have that small little voice in your head asking and worrying about them." He frowned but quickly smiled "So lets go back to the seats okay? Jin brought snacks." I nodded and he helped me up "When we get there just try and have fun okay? Its your home town after all I'm sure everyone would like a tour." I nodded but when I watched him turn around I almost felt as if my body weighed 100 more pounds I felt like things we're going to get worse before I could have fun again. Pulling my phone back up I texted Yugyeom once again "I'm scared to go back home.. I wish you were here so I could tell you.. I know you all see me as trouble but.. You were the first friends I had ever made on my own.."

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