"George seemed really concerned you know," a small sly smile appeared on her face as she said these words. I completely forgot to talk to her since the Yule Ball since I have been "sick." 

"We may or may not have shared a kiss at the ball." She squeals in delight, clapping her hands.

She continues doing a happy dance for me, "I just knew he liked you and now it's confirmed! So are you guys official?"

"No, but we are definitely exploring the possibility. I don't know...he would be my first genuine crush since my first boyfriend. He actually makes me smile and want to be a better person." All the words I speak are the truth, making me nervous inside. I still haven't discussed my memories with George yet in fear of pity or suspicion arising.

"Who was your first?"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat but continue telling Hermione things I would not dare to talk about with my sister Rebekah anymore. "Some player named Elliot but it was a long time ago." Deciding to change the topic, I speak up a few seconds later, "which by the way...I don't believe that Viktor is one."

Hermione glances up from her plate of food with sad eyes, "You heard our fight huh?" I nod my head in response while she sighs, "I don't know what has gotten into Ron, I mean he is barely talking to me anymore yet claims he is worried I am mingling with the enemy."

"My advice is to let him cool off first because he just doesn't like seeing you with Viktor for obvious reasons."

Her eyebrows raise, "Obvious...reasons?" I look at her with wide eyes, assuming she already knew. I think it's quite apparent that Ron is already in love with her but is just afraid to admit his feelings to himself.

"That he is in love with you of course," I respond nonchalantly. Momentarily, she chokes on her food before regaining herself. "But I think you should go for Viktor because he is attractive and seems to really like you." Hermione remains silent, thinking about what I just said.

Shortly after, Ron walks in to sit with Harry but stops when he realizes that Hermione is across from him, already shooting daggers with her eyes at him. I lowly whisper, "Just act like nothing is wrong ok?" She nods slightly as Harry pats the seat next to him. Ron starts talking with Harry and Seamus, ignoring Hermione's occasional glances at him.

I groan quietly, "Look at the hot Viktor Krum instead and oh look! He is already glancing this way." A bright red blush forms on her cheeks as she sends a smile Viktor's way.

I feel a tap on my my left shoulder and look towards Hermione, thinking she is the one who tapped me but she is busy still smiling at Krum. I bunch up my eyebrows, confused at who tapped me. Suddenly, an arm is slung across my shoulder, pulling me close to a warm body. Relaxing immediately but still slightly uncomfortable around him, I look up at George.

"How are you doing today love?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Better I guess, I just needed a few days to get over the sickness." Before I turn my full attention to George as he starts to reply, Lillian walks in with her Ravenclaw friend, Cho. She waltzes in without a care in the world, seeing as though she believes I am dead since no one has heard from me since the ball, other than Ron and George of course.

As she pushes her brown hair behind her shoulder, her eyes wander down the Gryffindor table. Once her eyes meet my smirking face, she halts in her tracks, making another Ravenclaw run into her. The guy makes a scene but carries on his way while Lillian remains in place staring at me with a dumbfounded look. I chuckle as I wave my fingers in a taunting way.

Both Ron and George take notice of this but Ron asks, "What are you laughing at Alexia?" He turns around to see Lillian shaking but Cho attempting to drag her to their seats. Finally Cho succeeds; however, Lillian still has her eyes trained on me, but they are no longer menacing. I'm alive and she has no clue why.

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