4."...we are again us..."

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She slowly turns over him, they are stuck in front of each other, their looks are crossed.
"Why are you here?" Julianne whispers by breaking the silence.

Colin waits a few second then go closer to her with a boldly walk then "I'm here for you

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Colin waits a few second then go closer to her with a boldly walk then "I'm here for you." He says looking her in the eyes. Their bodies are so close.
"I'm here to prove you I'm right.".
"Stop it!" she screams still looking at him. Colin extends an arm trying to grab her wrist. The Juls's bodyguard turns over her and look at her:"Madam..."
Juls swallows then bursts into tears then Frank (the bodyguard) planning to take action and takes Colin for the arm:"sorry sir.."
Juls looks at him, shakes her head and while she sniffs and cleans her tears, she says:"let him."
Colin yanks his arm and gets closer to Juls, he grabs his face into his big  hands and starts to kiss her greedly.
All the drivers and doormen present look at each others then they turn around, trying to leave them alone, the only one that keeps looking at them is Frank.
"hey" he whippers to her, detaching himself from her lips "I told you.." he cleans her face from the strained makeup "we are again us."
Julianne places an hand above the one of Colin that is on her cheek.
They keep taking small steps among the cars, without realizing it, between caresses and kisses.
"it's not true what I've told you...it's not true..." she whispers while she's crying.
"shh baby...I know it..I know it." Colin says looking her into the eyes "now I'm here..we're together without thinking about anything else.
Juls nods, they start to kiss each other, again, with all the passion they have, then she gets further with the face and places her hand on his chest:"I....let's go inside...it' better.."
Frank looks her and takes a step toword me:"madam.."
Juls won't even turn around:"No Frank, just the two of us." she takes his hand and they enter in the hotel, they take the key of the suit and they reach the last floor.
They are into the elevator, Colin holds her hand, Juls lowers her eyes and looks at their hands, the corners of her mouth go up, he sees it and smiles for its part.
The doors open and Colin picks her up. Juls laughs while holds her arms around his neck:"what are you doing? Leave me, crazy man!"
They arrive to the bedroom while they enter Colin makes to go down  Julianne from his arms, he looks around:"are you alone here?"
Juls nods and place the purse on the dresser then she turns over him and look at him. Colin dosen't heard her anymore so he turn down the face and he catches her to stare at him. Colin hardens the jaw while he loses himself into her eyes, there is a little smile on his face, the heart is beating fast. He gazes her hand and then takes her hand to his mouth and kisses it.
Juls doesn't understand nothing, she takes off the hand and starts to kiss him avidly.
She is on tiptoes, Colin surrounds her torso with both arms.
They kiss each other while they slowly take off their clothes walking toward the sofa when they crash into, Colin stopped and look at her while he takes off her bra.
Their eyes are one and the same, lost in each other, he lets the bra fall down, with an hand he grazes her hip.
Juls hold the other hand of Colin and drives it to her bosom, keep looking him in the eyes.
Colin lifts her and lets her sit on the back of the sofa then he kiss her sinus, bringing the nipple among the teeth. He still look at her, but she can't do this anymore, she closes the eyes and puts the head back while starts to wheeze, Colin moves on with the tongue on her intimacy .
"..Yes...again..." Juls whippers holing his hand, Colin stand up quickly and take off his pants then he penetrates her.
When she feel him enter she gets up with the torso and holds the arms around his neck:"you...make me crazy...I'm..I'm going crazy..." she whispers then puts the month on his shoulder.
"You're mine." he says to her with a firm voice, then he repeats in her ear while he keep pushing:"you're mine!"
Juls nods:"oh...ooh my god!" Juls bites his shoulder to stop from screaming while she comes, Colin gasps as long as he comes too and then he throws on her.
They hug each other for long minutes, in silent.
"Yes.." she whippers without leaving his chest "..I'm yours.."
Colin sighs then carries her on the sofa.
She is on him, he strokes her hair lovingly while he looks at her, he is crazy about her.
Juls caress his chest reaming with the cheek above it, she looks at her hand.
"I'm happy." she whispers then he answer "ya..I know, me too." Juls looks up, he smiles to her, showing his dimples, she smiles from some sort of involuntary reflex. She gets closer with her face and kisses him again, at that time Colin's phone rings, he doesn't hear it, then Juls stand up from the sofa and whispers "answer your phone.." she go toward the terrace, naked.
Colin picks up the phone:"hello..yes, thank you..what about you? How was the gig? Yes. Ok." he still turned and keep looking at Juls that she looks out of the window. He slowly gets closer to her and hug her from behind, with an arm only "ok.." Juls looks at his hand over her belly "I'll read it. Ok. Bye.." he hangs and lets the phone on the table. He places the chin on her shoulder "What are you thinking?" whispers looking out of the window with her.
"that's gonna be hard.." she answers him while touches his hand, Colin turns with the face and looks at her, he kiss her on the cheek :"ya, I know, but I'm not scared." Juls looks at him and while she is about to answer, her phone rings. She turns over him, looks at him for a second then go and pick up the phone, Colin is blocked in front of the window.
"Wha...what?" Juls whispers, Colin turned over her and sees her agitated "yes..I'm...I'm happy..yes!" she looks at Colin, he gets closer and look at her with a  look of confusion
"Ok..yes..see you..later..bye.." she hangs and she hides her face with an hand.
Colin looks at her by remaining silent.
"He..he's here..but he didn't have to come.."
Colin nods the moving past her and takes his clothes and starts to dress up.
Juls looks at him:"I didn't know it, Colin!"
He turns over her and while he' buttoning his shirt "I hope it."
"What was the point?! Huh?" She says getting closer to him.
"I don't know!" He lifts the arms letting the shirt open "wouldn't you want me here?!"
Juls looks at him astounded.
Colin nods:"just say so!" He turns then takes the coat and dresses it and he leaves the room.
Juls runs after him"Colin! Stop!" She takes her t-shirt from the floor.
When Colin opens the door and leaves the room hears "hey!" He slowly turns and sees Bart.
Colin gets stuck in front of him.

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