13.Green Carpet.

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Bart didn't even give me time to answer when he immediately hung up the phone, I was interdicted for a few moments, that story seemed to have no end, I certainly wasn't ready for the whole world to see me with Livia, let alone pretend nothing was going on with Julianne and Bart, but Julianne?

My thoughts were always fixed on her and everything she was surely going through with Bart... I looked up from my phone and saw the two boys, hand in hand, right next to me.

"I think you two need to talk..mhh?" Liv solicited Luca's reply, staring at him while stroking his hand gently, when my son took the situation in his hands, trying never to look at me, and started to speak: "I don't know if there is anything to say after all...you disappeared as if you didn't care about anything anymore...about me...about mum..."

I tried to stop him, but he didn't give me the chance and continued his speech: "I know how difficult this situation can be...but you can't forget about me...even if your decisions have influenced me in a negative way, I need both of you next to me..."

I felt a lump in my throat that didn't allow me to say a single word, I grabbed him by the arm and held him tightly to me, the depth of that boy allowed me to look inside myself, to deeply analyze all my actions, I had to improve, I had to change completely for him, for my family.

On the way back home, to accompany both boys, I didn't stop thinking about Bart's proposal for a minute, it was definitely the best thing to do, even if at the end of the day our paths had to take completely different routes, I didn't give up at the thought of losing the only person who for some strange reason made me the carefree man I hadn't been for a while.

I left Luca and Liv at Livia's house, who sent me the invitation for the Green Carpet directly to my house, obviously I realised this as soon as I returned to my home, the invitation had been sent a few days before, I opened the envelope and inside there were two handwritten lines: "for the love of my children we will make this effort, both of us.

So you already knew everything?

Had you been in touch with Bart? Was that possible?

I threw the postcard on the table and turned towards the living room, which was still empty, just a sofa and a television that could be seen among the thousands of boxes.

I started nervously scratching my beard, my head was racing, my only thought was Julianne, I was worried, I had to hear from her, of course I did, how could I not?

I decided to send him a short message, I just wanted to make sure he was ok.

That night I fell asleep waiting for his reply, which unfortunately didn't come.

A couple of days passed during which I dedicated all my time to the boys, we did the classic father-son activities, I went to see some pre-concert rehearsals, I invited both of them to the stadium, yes indeed that was a passion that united us and it was always nice to be together in that magical place that is the stadium.

As the days went by, time literally flew by, that's always the case when you're having a good time, isn't it?

Well, actually there was a missing piece and it didn't make me feel my best, but the worst part was having to see that missing piece with another man and having to pretend nothing was wrong.

Yes, that day came.

I started to try on the four suits I had brought and all of them fit me comfortably, I had lost a few pounds in the last period, so I decided to opt for the last dinner jacket, the most classic one, which I had already used in various events such as the Met Gala last year.

After spraying a few drops of my Tom Ford on my neck, I left my hotel and headed, together with Luke, to La Scala, where the Green Carpet would be held.

A Secret Between Us.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon