18.Fighting for love.

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With her back to me, her hair up, I knew immediately that it was Julianne.
It wasn't until I got closer that I became aware of it, "Hi," I said coldly.
"You're an asshole" she replied without even looking at me, staring at the woods to her right.
I sketched a smile, she was jealous of me, but couldn't admit it "why am I an asshole?"
"You really don't know?"
"Nah.." I whispered staring at her and looking for her gaze, always, I wanted her to give in too "alright..look I don't want to waste time. Tell me what's going on..." I opened the front door and made to enter as I whispered "she lost the baby" she remained silent and for the first time looked at me, I nodded waiting for her to enter in turn "..I'm..I'm sorry.." I put the keys on the cabinet and threw myself on the couch, I kept staring at her, I wanted her to speak this time.
I saw her shyly approaching me "I..I didn't think so...but...well...you could have avoided sleeping there..." she whispered, sitting down next to me, I couldn't take it anymore, she burst out laughing and immediately after I kissed her on the lips "are you jealous of me? "I asked her pointing at me, she shook her head then thought about it again "maybe..." I took her in my arms and brought her face to my chest, I kissed her in the hair then after a while I heard her whisper "I'm scared. .because..I'm falling in love" I swallowed and closed my eyes at the same time, I felt the much mentioned butterflies in my stomach, I was an adolescent again all of a sudden then I became strong and answered her statement: "you don't have to be afraid if it's you and me together..never.." I caressed her hand and then held it in mine.
"Will you protect me?" she looked down at me with those big green eyes as she said those words and I couldn't stop myself from smiling sweetly at her "just protect me from Bart's fury..." I whispered she changed her gaze and stood up "by the way...he's coming here in a week as you already know. ." I nodded as I followed her with my eyes "...I'm a bit nervous...I'm not ready to tell him the truth yet..." I got up and joined her to shake her hand and make her understand that I was on her side, she needed her time and I would be there waiting for her.
At least that was the thought I had developed during those intense days, at the end of the day I was sure that she cared about me and above all I was convinced that a drop of water was enough to make that vase overflow and I would remain there staring at her.

"Your phone is ringing...it's her..." Julianne warned me, letting go of my hand "answer it...maybe...she needs something..." she nodded and I took the call "hi..." I walked away to talk to her.
On my return Julianne looked worried, she came up to me "are you ok?"
"Yeah..yeah..she was..she was asking if I was joining her for dinner tonight..yeah.." I lowered my gaze to put my phone down on the kitchen table "ah..yeah..I see..well..I'll find something else to do, Firth.." I smiled biting my upper lip, she always managed to make me so vulnerable.
He picked up his bag, "so...I'll talk to you tomorrow in case..." he turned to look at me again, "have fun!" then left.
I stood still, he hadn't given me any practical time to react and I could feel my brain slowly melting.
I grabbed a bottle of water to take a sip and recover quickly, I was supposed to show up at Livia's house very soon and I wasn't ready yet.

(P.O.V. Julianne) Leaving that house was the last thing I wanted to do obviously, but I didn't have to show morbidity towards him, I also didn't want to deny him being around someone very important to him at such a difficult time.
I had decided to see one of my best friends to spend an evening with her and not stay thinking too much about him.
We had made reservations at a very nice restaurant near Colin's house, by now that had become my reference point.

"Hi darling!" Helena held me tightly in her arms, it had actually been a while since we'd been able to take some time for ourselves and be together.
"How I've missed you!" I returned the hug then we sat down around the table and ordered.
"So...since the last call has anything changed...have you decided to 'stay' at his place?"
I nodded slightly as I savoured the dish that had been brought to me earlier, "Well...he apparently agreed and so I decided to spend some time here..."
She raised her glass, "I see you're relaxed, my friend, so I guess you're sharing a bed as well...here's to you!"
I burst out laughing "Stop it.."
"Come on! What's he like? Is he the classic Englishman cold in bed too?"
I listened to her as I bit my lip, hiding a mischievous smile, I missed him, I would have liked to spend that evening with him too, "mh...no...on the contrary...in bed he's...a bomb, I never thought I could do it four times in a row!"
"FOUR TIMES?" she shouted, "my friend! Now I understand everything!"
We burst out laughing together and obviously continued talking about him for quite a while, only when we left the restaurant did I realise that I wanted to hear him.

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