2.The memory...of her green eyes

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A week goes by from the Kingsman's premiere, since last time Colin and Julianne met each other.
This morning Colin is at home, in his office, he's reading a new script when suddenly the door opens and Matteo, his son and a friend of him run into the room-M:"I've go it! I'm texting her now!"
Colin stand up, allowing to fall the sheet on the desk:"Matteo!"
Matteo keeps running around him:"com'on, get me!"
Colin looks at him with an angry face:"Matteo!" he screams "how many times I have to tell you that I don't want that you bother me while I'm working!" he hits the desk and the sheets fall on the floor.
Matteo lowers his eyes and leaves the room, followed by his friend.
Colin shakes his head and goes down to pick up everything but among the sheets he find a photo.
He quickly picks it up and looks at it, swallowing. That was them, Colin and Juls on "A single Man" 's set.
He gets up holding the pic then he sit on the desk and the memories take over. He closes the eyes and goes back in time.
// flashback-Colin's POV \\
Her perfume is unmistakable , she's behind me, she places her small hands on my shoulders, I feel a shiver walk the back.
I smile and turn over her, the song that's playing while our eyes meet each other it's perfect.
Her green eyes, damn.
I take her hand with a rapid gesture and we start dancing.
I hold her tightly to me, I can hear her heart rate up, with my right hand I move from her back to her lower back, Juls smiles me putting her tongue between the teeth.
She's so beautiful, God's sake!
"OK, Stooop!" Tom brings me back to earth.
Julianne moves away turning over the director:"What about it? Was okay?"
Tom nods getting closer to us:"it was spectacular! The intensity that I wanted! Well done! Oh Colin? Are you losing your mind over her?" he smiles looking at me "don't forget that u'r gay!" Julianne bursts on laughing:"Tom!"
I forces a smile.
T:"ok, five minutes and let's start again."
Julianne take her coat and while I'm staring at her, she turn over me and says me:"I'm gonna get some air, you coming?"
I nod and we go out. She's on my right and I look in front of me still trying to figure out the new emotions that I'm feeling.
Julianne lights a cigarette and offers to me:"Do you want it?"
I look at her confused:"Do you smoke?"
Julianne shakes her head:"not always...sometimes.".
First I look at her, then I take the cigarette and I drag a cigarette:"me too."
"excuse me?" Julianne tell me before aspires the cigarette.
"I would also like to disappear from the world for a few days and dumped on an beach, preferably naked" I say smiling then I turn over her and I drop from her lips the cigarette and I finish it looking at her in the eyes.
Juls doesn't look away, amused:"I never said that" she says to me, I throw out the smoke and whisper to her:"I can see it in your eyes."Julianne smiles to me again then she turn the face and after a few minutes of silence she whispers:"it's true"
I get closer to her:"why?"
"sometimes I'm not satisfied...of anything...sometimes I think that it's not the life I wanted." she says holding hands to the breast.
I'm craving to hold her to me, I take a deep breath:"It happens to me too. Quite often."
"Come in guys, so we can restart" Tom says rubbing his hand and interrupting us.
Before following him, I go closer to Juls and whisper: "You come with me tonight okay? We are going to grab a beer."
Julliane nods while we are following Tom.
We restart shooting and I pray the scene end soon. I couldn't wait to stay alone and hang out with Julliane. I need it.
As soon as Tom let us, I turn back and see Juls taking up her stuff.
She looks at me back smiling.
Walking next to each other, we go to the pub.
We find a table in a corner in order not to be too noticed and the waiter quickly arrives with our orderings.
"So... let's drink to us and to our life, a life that we like as it is." I say raising my glass.
Juls laughs: "Right, you are Mark Darcy, what a honor!"
Then she whispers "..to us."
We drink, looking in each other's eyes.
In that moment I understand we need one another.

"Colin!" Screams Livia out of the room, knocking to the door.
Colin brusquely opens the eyes and returns to the reality.
"Yes..?" He says covering the photos with some sheets of paper.
"Matteo is crying. He said you two fought. What happened?"
Colin looks at her, then, shaking his head, says: "Nothing happened. Tell him I'm coming there so we can talk okay?"
Livia nods but before leaving she stops and askes "Is everything okay?"
Colin answers yes moving his head without looking at her while he continues to touch the sheets: "Yes, don't worry"
Livia says hi and leaves.
Colin closes his eyes, sighs and sits diwn
After some second he grans the phone and digits Jullianne's number.
"Hi" She answers with her beautiful voice.

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