8.What are you gonna do?

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"Hey, Honey"- Livia stared at me, then she touched my cheek with her right hand.
"Is everything all right?"- She asked, standing by me.
As soon as I nodded my head, she kissed me and whispered "I missed you". Her fingers slipped right inside my jacket, she stroked my abdomen and all I could do was following her hands with my eyes, 'till she reached my pants. She quickly gave a look at the trouser belt and then unfastened it.
She kept talkin': "Our boys are out tonight. Just you and me. Are you glad?" She was trying to punch me with her look, then she smiled.
"Come on, let's try again"-Livia whispered, rubbing my face with her index finger.
We were naked and on top of each other. We made love and I could feel that we probably had never grown closer in the last few years. It was obvious that I needed an emotional support; I felt too fragile but I found a safe place in her arms. However, my sick affair with Julianne couldn't calm me down at all.
(POV Julianne)
I decided to call Livia in the same evening, trying to understand what was going on between the two kids. Liv was often sad and absent-minded in that period.
I went out for a walk with Fred in the afternoon, he needed to buy a wedding ring: he decided to ask his girlfriend if she wanted marry him; he was quite sure that he had found his soul mate. Afterall I knew Ebby very well and she was an adorable girl.
After having had a look at various jewelries, we decided to swing by Starbucks to have a cup of coffee.
"I'll have a cappuccino, mom. Thanks" - Fred said before going and sitting down at "one of the few" free tables, followed by Frank. Meanwhile, I moved straight to the checkout waiting for my turn.
"Julianne!"- I heard a voice calling me, strongly hoping that nobody recognized me. I decided not to turn, just in order to prevent any mess.
"Julianne, honey!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I turned back. It was Livia. "Hi, sweetheart. I was afraid I might have been wrong, but here you are! "- She kept talking with a great smile on her face, then she hugged me (I tried to remain aloof from her).
"Hey, sorry If I didn't turn immediately but I didn't get your voice. What.. What are you doin' here? Are you alone?" I asked her, looking for Colin. If he was here.. with Fred and Frank.... I mean, how could it have ended?
"No, I'm here with my colleague Harriet"-She quickly pointed her then she looked right trough my eyes; her face was very relaxed and she looked joyful. "By the way, I was wandering if we could meet tonight. What do you think? Imma prepare the soup, so we'll stay together!"

I smiled shyly. I wasn't definitely going to mess 'em up, specially around a fuckin table.
"Well, I suppose we could just met alone.. I mean, the daddies' presence isn't needed." I answered, laughing and hoping to change her mind without strickin' out. But I drew a blank.
"No, don't say that. By the way.. you know.." She got close and whispered: "In the last few days, Colin and I are trying to fix it; can say that we started this off with the right foot. So, the more we share, the better is for everyone".
I just followed the drift, tilting my head as sign of approval. How could be possible that everything's fine? Why? Why was he trying to fix it? He perfectly knew that all he could do was pretend to be happy with her; forcing himself to wear a mask and showing just a small part of who he really was.. of who I really knew.
I tried not to expose all these emotions bursting inside. After hearin' that rumor, I could feel my heart stop beatin'. However, I had to fight back:
"Are you? Well, I suppose this should be good for you and kids. See you later, then"- I smiled, then I turn and went straight to the cleared checkout. "See ya tonight"- I repeated before ordering 2 cappuccini.
I was out of reason, specially 'cuz I knew I couldn't easily get free from those feelings roaring inside; but I had to see 'em all that night, I had to prove I was stronger.
(POV Colin)
I spent the afternoon with Stanley. When I needed a moral support, he was the right person to call. We have been good friends for a while. We lived in the same neighborhood and we usually had a great time together, sharing interests and
"I have a short one to play so Imma call you in the week. As soon as I have some time off and of course if you need to tell me what you've been up to, we'll head to Henry's for a pint. What d'ya say?"-Stan parked near my gate. I quickly nodded and patted his shoulder: "Catch you, buddy". I got out of his Bentley and then he left.
I got into my apartment, then I placed the house keys on the entrance cabinet, as usual. I cleared the voice and spoke: "I'm home!". Looking down, I saw one of Matteo's hair tie but in the moment I bended to pick it up.. "Ouch!"- I moaned: I had an incredible back pain for days.
"Did you get tired in the last few days, Firth?"- That sound of voice was familiar; I looked up and I saw Julianne standing in front of me. I remained nearly petrified, when Livia popped out: "Hey darling, come in. Bart is waitin' for you in the living room!"
I calmly got up; I couldn't stop lookin' at Julie and I noticed she was doing the same. We angrily scanned, with an evident intense desire to touch each other.
"Good night, mate. I was just waiting for you!" I was suddenly dropped in a conflicted emotions circle and I didn't have any clue of how to get out of.
"So, I've heard you've just ended a band new one!"-He kept on, walkin' toward and offering me a glass of wine. "Sorry, I don't drink. Oh, ehm...Yes, I ended up working a few days ago"- I answered back, looking into his eyes. "Are you working on something, by the way?"- I asked, leaning the glass on the table behind me.
There's always been a certain defiance between us, but not as intense as in that moment.
"Well, yes I am. I've just finished an early draft of my next movie. It's gonna be a very special one and Julianne is gonna be there too!" He proudly spoke, turning toward the 2 women and cracking a smile to his wife.
All I could do was standing there, listening and nodding. I was not up for overhearing Bart's blabbers, specially in that kind of situation.
Livia got into the movie, so she took the speech reins: "This is awesome! I mean, you are gonna work together. Ah Bart, I can't wait, you must tell us more!"-She joyfully said, smiling. I crack a smile back; trying not to appear too stiff, even If I knew I couldn't do much: it was one of many flaws of mine.
"Well, we must be patient! Anyway, I'd really tell you more 'bout it, but I think Bart is still holding the cards. He'll wait for the table reads, with the rest of the troupe" -Julianne answered back, paying attention not to turn her face toward me while I was exactly checking her out.
"So, fellas. We may sit down! Maria, my fellow citizen, cooked up a very special menu for this occasion"- Livia butted in; we moved to the kitchen and we sat.
"I think we should toast!" -Bart raised his glass, followed by Juls and Livia who gave me my one. "Come on, buddy, let's cheer!"-He chuckled.
"What are we toastin' to?" -Juliane asked, looking straight at her husband, sat at her left. Bart didn't hesitate and quickly answered back "First of all, to this wonderful night and then.. to the upcoming work proposal I'm gonna make. To the most respected artist, who I particularly admire at this same time!"
Bart's look was still on me; he held his piece for a moment and then with a great smile, picked it up: "It's you, man! It'd be a great pleasure having you in my cast" - He shouted out loud, pointing at me.
I remained silent for a bit, incapable to hammer it out. All the presents' eyes were on me and for the first time I met Julianne's ones. I raised my eyebrows, unable to start any kind of speech.
"OMG, It is so amazing! A real kick! – Livia interrupted my flow of thoughts.
"Of course, it is! Plus, having you in the squad would be an added value.. 'cause you'd take the part of my wife's lover. I dare you to reject!"- Bart ended up his seedy joke, laughing and hugging his wife and Livia followed him.
I was petrified, I couldn't do nothing but hear those words buzzin' in my head, but then I made eye contact with Julianne, she looked scared too.
"Then, Cheers!" I decided to lead the speech and I raised, in turn, my glass. "After all, how could I reject a tempting one like this?" I said, cracking a smile back and lookin' through Bart's eyes. Challenge. That's what there was between us.
After toasting, I dunk the half of my glass in one shot then I instinctively looked for Julie, making sure she was all right. We were in the same boat, I just wanted let her know I would have been there, even in the fear of darkness.
Once soup's over, A Livia's dear friend and her husband joined us (she was also her personal assistant). I was pretty sure they knew Julianne very well because of the upcoming plans Livia was working at, she was also trying to involve her friend in the game.
Many distinct groups were naturally formed, men on one side in the living room and women on the other. We were almost turned back but I could see her from the mirror reflection. While Fred and Raul were chit-chatting 'bout moot topics like the latest Red Devils' soccer match, I was absently aiming at those royal complexioned hands, twirlin' majestically in the air. I was lost in an undeniable feeling every time I could see any of her body's detail; whatever she did, she was completely able to enthrall me.
"Hello, honey!" Livia broke up, stoppin' that flow of thoughts in my head that eclipsed me from the reality. "Hi everyone!" I heard Luca's voice, so I turned and greeted him; he was lookin' around, probably searching for Liv. "Actually, I invited some friends and we'd like something to eat" he whispered to Livia, who made 'em immediately seating. While a dozen guys came inside, making a slight noise, I walked decisively to Julianne, who'd been alone.
Leaning against the wall and down-eye, I whispered: "How's it goin'?". Was staring at the glass in my hand then dunk the left wine in one shot.
"You shouldn't drink like that!" Answered, looking at me, "Congrats, by the way. I've heard that you've decided to start shagging again!" She whispered, fixing her beautiful red hair with her left hand, trying to appear the most indifferent possible.
Felt the blow. Closed my eyes, then I broke away with a bounce: "Please, don't say that!". Replied, trying to control instincts coming out due to the alcohol.
"Of course, I do. And certainly, won't be you the one who's gonna tell me what to do and what not" And with those words, whispered very close to me, she left shakin' her sinuous body and I couldn't do nothing more but follow her with my eyes.
"The boys are set" Livia appeared in front of me: "What are you doin' here, lone wolf?" whispered before kissing me on lips, she took me by the hand and led me to the group on the opposite side of the room.
"I'm sorry, I don't wanna bother, but my boys are going to play some tracks with their friends, downstairs. What 'bout listenin' to them?" While she ended the phrase, Livia took Julianne's hand her downstairs, "Come on!"
I deeply sighed, then turned to Raul and Bart, catching the latter drinkin' the umpteenth glass of wine; I wasn't the only one who was feeling the blow that night. We went down the stair and once there, I saw Livia and Julianne dancing through the teens crowd. As soon as she saw me, rushed on me and pushed me to the fray shouting: "Come one, darling. Let's dance".
My boys began to play, accompanied by a blond girl I'd seen many times in my house. Shortly after, the other one joined us and Bart reached his wife. He looked wired; kept abruptly throwing himself on us 'till he fell heavily on Julianne, while we're trying to dance. "Ehi, Bart. Can't hold ya up!" I heard her voice 'cause we were pasted, so instinctively turned and grabbed Bart's shirt, breaking him away from Julianne. Raul came and helped us: "Are you all right, buddy?"
"I guess he's wasted"- Julianne answered, and Livia worried 'bout seeing Bart in that state: "Shall we take him to the loo?" – Said, turning to Raul who's trying to stand him up. They all nodded and went to the toilet.
I stood still and stared at Julianne who looked broken up 'bout that situation. Got closer and touched her hand without looking, just kept my eyes on the loo's door. After few seconds, felt her emerald eyes on me so turned and grabbed a finger. There was a gloomy atmosphere and the guys kept singing and playing without realizing the happening.
Cracked a coy smile, knowing she was lookin' at me, then I heard her voice whispering me: "What the hell are we doin'?" Closed my eyes for few seconds and deeply breathed in, and so she kept talkin': "Can't recognize you when you're with her". She came closer to my right ear: "And I don't think you're able to do your best under the blanket, of course she doesn't know that yet!" Every single word comin' out from her mouth made me more vulnerable, but I was standing in front of my kids and couldn't trying to keep control of the situation.
"You can't answer me back, Can ya?" - She whispered again before touching my intimacy with the other hand. "Good, Firth. Correct answer"-Said, chuckling. After that, she started down the way to the loo but, at the very moment, having lost my inhibitions, I decided to grab her arm and pull her towards me: "Go upstairs, wait for me in the kitchen!" said, just looking through her eyes.
"What?" "Upstairs!" I repeated. She quickly did as I told her. I gave a look around; darkness was all around and we were nothing more but shadows. No sign of the other ones. After few moments, run upstairs and joined Julianne. Couldn't even see straight. As I came in, saw her with her lower back leaning on the kitchen top; she was staring at me: "What are you gonna do?"-She slowly opened her leg and started bitin' her lip.

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