20. Seven Days

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(POV Julianne) 

As soon as the doctor left the house, Helena flung herself onto the bed next to me, incredulous in turn at the discovery, "I...friend...don't...congratulations?" she whispered in an unsure tone, perhaps she knew full well that at that moment I was confused too, certainly good news, but at the same time too unexpected, inappropriate and unwanted.
"Well...weren't you the one who wanted a five-a-side team in tow?" my friend dented a smile trying to get me away from all the thoughts that within a few minutes completely destabilised me, changing my life.
I sighed heavily as I stared into space, not quite sure what I should do, "you have to...talk to..." interrupted Helena exploding like a volcano, "with everyone! With everyone!" I shouted loudly trying to expel all the anxiety that was suppressing me, all I wanted was not to feel that heaviness in my stomach and...not to feel nauseous: "Oh God..." I got up from the bed throwing myself on the bathroom floor arriving quickly to the toilet "and I have to go through this" Helena pointed at me "for a future pain in the ass who cries, shits and eats as if she had a black hole instead of a stomach? Pff" she turned and grabbed a towel "condolences, not congratulations!"
"I don't need this!" I yelled at her grabbing the towel she was holding right above my head "thank you!"
"I know mate...it just all seems so surreal, but" she leaned over sitting next to me "will you keep it?" I turned to look at her, I thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded "are you sure?" she asked right after "you know you're going to have to tell him..." as soon as she finished her sentence I closed the door. "As soon as she finished her sentence I closed my eyes and breathed hard "I know...it's not easy, but you too could have not fucked every day for four hours!" she opened her eyes suddenly "what?" as soon as Helena closed her mouth, the spit came up that I couldn't control and it ended up all over her shirt.
"Julianneee!!!" she screamed, disgusted.

(POV Colin)

 I left Tucci's house and headed back to my own place, a few metres away, which I could see was totally dark, from that detail I realised that Julianne hadn't come back yet, I didn't want to press her, we had different needs and obviously we had to have our own space, but not showing up for so long made me wonder.

I walked in, threw my jacket on the couch then walked over to the liquor cabinet and grabbed my beloved bottle of Chase Distillery, poured some into my large glass then took a sip and closed my eyes, I took a deep breath then resumed my walk to my old record player, as I grabbed the vinyl I wanted to listen to, slipped off my shoes with both feet, then kicked them off next to the wall, put the record in and after a few seconds of waiting Sting's "Seven days" started up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG7_gceIFL4 )
"ah..." I sighed after leaning back on the couch, comfortable, I felt freedom inside me, I was fine, I was completely relaxed.

My night ended like that, on the couch with the glass in my hand, I managed to stay awake for a few minutes before I gave in and fell into a deep sleep, but what did wake me up was a gentle kiss from Julianne who had taken the time to pick up the glass from the floor and remove the record "where..have you been..it's late" I whispered still sleepy she nodded "it's late..let's go to sleep" I grabbed her hand "what? "I looked her straight in the eyes, but she shook her head smiling slightly "nothing..." I decided to believe her and followed her to bed, where we lay down together, I grabbed her from behind to hold her to me while I left a trail of kisses on her neck "no.. "I was perplexed, but I decided to go along with her wishes "ok.." I left her another kiss on her neck then I threw my head on the pillow and even then it took very little to go back to dreaming.

The next day I felt the part of the bed where Juls used to sleep, but it was empty.
I stood up with my upper body to check, no, there was no one there.
I decided to go to the kitchen where I heard some noises and as expected I found her there "good morning" I whispered before pressing a kiss on her shoulder, I grabbed my cup and filled it with coffee then I leaned against the wall and stared at her silently, she was acting strange, she was nervous and I could tell by the way she was moving things around on the sink "want to talk? " I whispered as I gripped the cup with both hands, she shook her head, so I decided to make the first move, I decided to grab her by the wrist and have her follow me to the first chair we found around the table, I sat her on my lap, I moved her hair behind her ear very gently as I stared at her face, I looked at every little freckle that covered her nose, they were so beautiful and delicate "look at me. ." I whispered trying to turn her face towards me with my other hand "I'm here, for you, anything ok?" I was just trying to make her understand that no matter what I would be there, with her, to support her and back her up.

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