"One second" He said walking into the kitchen.

It was only a quick chat since he came back 2 minutes later.

"That was Louis. Him and the boys are on there way. They'll be about thirty minutes" Ashton informed us.

"I'm gonna go get changed out of the clothes you poured coffee all over" I teased getting up.

"Hey! I said sorry!" He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I said laughing also.

I walked into my new room and looked through my draws. I pulled out light demin jeans, tie dye belly top and white converse. i was just putting on my jeans when I heard more voices. They just sounded like 'Hello's' and 'Hi's'. I don't know why but a rush of nerves come over me. I'm not really a nervous person but I guess you would be if all your favourite singers were in the same house as you. I sprayed some perfume and walked out slowly. Everyone's eyes where on me. 

"Who's the chick?" Harry said 

"This is Cara. She's moving in with us" Michael smiled.

"Hello" I simply said.

"Im-" Niall started but Luke cut him off

"Don't worry guys she knows who you all are. She has about twenty t-shirts with your names on" Luke laughed.

"Luke!" I yelled but couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you want to come get something to eat with us Cara?" Niall asked and i shrugged.

"I have no money so i'll stay here" I sighed

"Don't worry. I'll pay for you" Niall said. I hate when people pay for me "And i'm not taking no for a answer" He added and i smiled.

"Right whatever!" I laughed "Where are we going?" I asked

"Nando's like we normally do. Do you like it there?" Liam said

"Erm... I've never been there" I said honestly.

"What! Where have you been?!" Niall looked shocked.

"Rochland adoption centre" I said. I thought its best not to keep secrets from them since i am living with them.

"Lets get going" Zayn quickly changed the subject and we exited.





We got to the restaraunt and took our seats. I sat in between Luke and Niall.

"So what do you want?" Niall asked me.

"Erm... I don't know whats good here. You pick for me" I said putting down the menu so he can decide.

"So what can i get you lot?" A waitress said that showed hella lot of boobs out of her skimpy top.

"I think i know what you should get" I said and everyone looked at me weirdly.

"Erm...What?" She said looking at everyone else.

"A new fucking top that's what" I said without even cracking a smile or breaking into laughter. I turned around to see that everyone was dying of laughter.

"So rude" She huffed and walked off.

"Oh my..... fu...cking god Cara! That was hilarious!" Zayn said between laughs.

After about 5 minutes everyone had calmed down and we ordered. 

"Here ya go. 3plater chicken for each lad and a hot piri piri chicken for a hot lady" He said and winked. He was quite hot he had big muscles that were shown threw his white t-shirt, brown quiffed hair and blue eyes. "Call me" He said handing me some paper with his number on. I bit my lip and smiled. He walked away so i turned around to see all the boys covering there mouths trying not to laugh.

"What I'm single!" I laughed.

"His pick up line was just so cheesey!" Louis laughed

"He was hot" I said back.

For some reason I could feel Luke tense from beside me but I quickly change the subject and he relaxed.



I'll try and update later but England are playing in the world cup rn and i'm at a pub watching it with my bro. I'll see if i can later if not then tomorrow after colege



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