Giving her a comforting smile, Gina threw her arm over Riley's shoulder and directed her down the hall and into Raven's route. "We're here for you," she promised as they walked. "Don't push yourself to do something you don't want."

Because Riley's adopted father was an engineer, she knew the maps of Mount Weather and was able to point Raven in the right direction. However, she knew nothing of how to fix the problems as she was a medical student, and was impotent. That changed when an alarm went off hours later, a sign of an emergency. The three girls rushed out of the power room, and upon seeing Sinclair, pushed their way past people hurrying out of the way.

"Why the hell are they calling us off?" Raven demanded. "I've got tripped circuits all over the grid!"

"Oh, whatever it is supersedes fixing the power problem," Sinclair responded, stalking forward back towards the way they came.

When seeing some Grounder Riley hadn't recognized being interrogated, her head tilted and she stopped suddenly. Whatever was wrong, it had to be something with her. Bellamy looked up when seeing the three join him and made his demands. "Listen up," he ordered. "If we want to get to Polis before an attack, we have to move."

"An attack?" Riley repeated. The sky people had been at Polis, making their coalition to be apart of the clans, but it was sacred, meaning it was important to the Grounders. Who could possibly be attacking them?

"Do we have confirmation of that?" Sinclair asked, worried.

Shaking his head, Bellamy answered. "We radioed, but there was no response."

"They may already be dead, for all we know," Pike pointed out. "And if they are, we need to be ready to respond. This is about survival. We don't have the numbers, but the missiles in this mountain even the playing field and you know I'm right."

Surprised, Riley scowled angrily at him at the mention of Mount Weather's missiles. "Are you insane? Those missiles were made by the first president in the case of a war, and you don't even know if anybody there has even been attacked yet!" She exclaimed. "We can't just - "

"I'm sorry, when do we take suggestions from the last standing mountain men?" Pike cut her off, returning the harsh expression.

Furious at Pike's words and absolute disrespect for her deceased people as well as her, Riley didn't hesitate in shooting her hand up and flicking him the middle finger. Gina immediately stepped forward, grabbing Riley's wrist and pulling it down, giving the fierce girl a warning glance. She hadn't liked him since he greeted the group with no shame in moving these people in. Before Pika could retaliate, Bellamy quickly cut in. "We don't have time for this," he said. "Knowing the launch codes are important."

"We still don't have them though," Sinclair remarked.

Smiling, prideful, Raven spoke up. "No, but we have me."

As Bellamy said his good-bye to Gina and Pike dragged the Grounder girl out of her seat, Riley followed Raven. Every instinct she had told her otherwise, that following the plan to figure out the code was wrong, but she followed through anyways, joining Raven, Sinclair, and Gina in the control room. Even though she was no engineer or mechanic, her knowledge of Mount Weather could be useful.

With what little Riley knew of Mount Weather combined with Raven and Sinclair's mechanic and engineer knowledge, they were hardly making progress. Raven was quickly growing frustrated, flipping through the textbook Riley provided her. "Damn it," she hissed under her breath.

From where Sinclair sat in front of her screen, he hadn't taken his eyes off the monitor and replied in a monotone voice. "What happened to the Raven Reyes confidence?" He questioned with a well point.

𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠︱monty greenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora