Cedric// Waiting For You In The Future

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Your POV

"Is Cedric in today, headmaster?" I question, keeping my head in a slight bow.

"Mr. Diggory is in class. You can find him with Snape," Dumbledore replies, looking down at me through his glasses.

"Thank you, sir".

"Oh, and Y/N?" he adds, making me whip back around the door. "Be careful about who you get attached to. There are often complications in our lives that we can't explain". I nod my head and slip past the door, a strange feeling following me as I leave.


"Y/N, can I ask you something?" Cedric leans out against the railing of the bridge.


"How do you feel about me?"

"You're sweet, Cedric. I like spending time with you," I respond, catching his attention.

"I'm 'sweet'? That's it? I thought maybe you'd give a long, romantic psychoanalysis about our relationship," he says, his eyes scanning my face.

"Do you want me to give one?"

"Nah," he looks away and sighs, the air leaving his lips casting a sheet of smoke in the cold air.

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy you're here with me," he answers, tapping the railing with his fist playfully.

"You and Dumbledore are a strange species," I joke, catching up to him as he walks.

"Dumbledore? Why do you say that?"

"I was in his office today to ask him about whether you were in class and he said something along the lines of being careful about who I spend my time with".

"Like me" Cedric whispers, looking away.

"What? Cedric, whatever you've done, you can tell me".

"I'm afraid It's not that simple".

"Well, try to simplify it for me". I stop where I am and block him from moving past me.

"I'm not... from this time," he mutters, finally looking into my eyes.

"You're a time traveler?"

"Dumbledore brought me from the future for something I can't disclose to you. Actually, I technically am two years ahead of wherever you are right now". I let out a scoff and back away, his arms ghosting over my own. "I didn't tell you because I care about you and I knew this would-"

"And, a-are you here to tell me that you have to leave?" I look up at him through teary eyes and I see his face falter.


"I'm not going to see you again till," I stop short, my emotions beginning to shut down as I speak.

"Till two years are over. But It's not too long, Y/N".

"I can't be without you for two years, Cedric". He gives me a helpless look and leans against a wall, unsure of what to say.

"Fine, then. If you're going to go, then just leave me alone!" I cry out, wiping tears out of my sore eyes as I go.

"I'll be waiting for you in the future," his voice says into my ear, his arm bringing me into his warm chest. When I open my eyes, he's gone.

A/N: First off, IDK why Cedric dies in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Someone could easily have used the same Time-Turner that Hermione had in the Prison of Azkaban, to go back into the past and warn Cedric about the tournament.

I mean c'mon, are we still doing that Jack and Rose crap? There was space on that wooden board for the two of them.

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