It was a warm day, the sun shining harshly down, it was a definitely sun glasses and shorts day. I was slightly upset at being unable to enjoy such a beautiful day, yet at the same time I was happy to be working. I hurried along toward the cafe, the streets were busy again, and the stores were bustling with people. For being such a little town, it really felt lively during the day.

When I entered the coffee shop it was busier, with a person in the line waiting for their coffee and a couple of groups seated around. At the front benches sat a group of teens I distantly recognized, whispering and giggling between one another. The seats by the windows sat two women who seemed to be discussing business. Then of course Mr. Watson, rubbing his temples in frustration. I smiled turning my vision toward the counter, to be bombarded with a glare from Jake. I groaned realizing was the look was for, "Yeah, yeah I already apologized," I hissed walking passed him and into the back. That seemed to me enough for him to drop it because his glare was lost when I returned.

The day seemed to go by quickly, as my brain of thought would continuously go back to my dream. A ding shook me out of my thoughts the last time before the end of my shift. When my eyes connected with Jordan's I instantly shrunk under his gaze. His usually bright crystally eyes were a stormy blue and very little was readable in them, the only for sure thing was that he was pissed. "Hey Jordan," I said shyly stepping back a tad.

"Hello Olive," He snapped, it shook my core making me whimper. I felt weak, I had never ever whimpered by someone being snippy. He seemed to realize my fear and his eyes cleared a bit, his features relaxing. "I'm sorry," He sighed relaxing his body on the counter. I stepped forward and did the same, nodding a 'no problem' with a half smile. "How do you know that guy, Benedict was it?" He questioned, jumping right to the point. I shrugged,

"Met him the other night, he's new to town so I figured I'd help him to get to know the people and places," I said calmly. Jordan raised his brow and smirked,

"I'm new? Why didn't I get that special attention?" He asked, I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the small grin from pulling to my lips. He sighed shaking his head, "So you really don't know the guy?" He pushed, I quickly shook my head.

"I'm trying to get to know him, but he's quiet and reserved. Doesn't say much, more curious in me over talking about himself," I stated, Jordan seemed to listen intently. "I guess thats one nice thing," I said snickering, He frowned cocking his head, "Not many men are capable of not talking about themselves" I added, which caused him to instantly roll his eyes. However, his face fell serious again as he looked around the shop, I raised my brow curiously.

"It's quiet in here," he stated, his eyes tracking over every inch of the room. I shrugged,

"Yeah the days are busy, then it quiets down during the evenings. That's why we close earlier on weekdays," I rambled, he smiled. Then he suddenly shifted whipping his head peering outside. The sun had gone down, and besides the light of the building it was dark out front. I raised my brow, giving him a odd look, he seemed nervous all of a sudden, "You okay?" I questioned grabbing his attention back. He swallowed hard nodding,

"Uh, yeah I gotta get going, be safe Olive," he said rushing out the door before I could say a word. I frowned confused by his sudden rush, but shrugged it off, maybe he was afraid of the dark.

When my shift was finally over, I was incredibly ready to go home and watch television. I took out the key Leo gave me for nights like this that I was closing by myself, and locked the door. It was still a warm day, however with the sun gone, it gave the breeze a crisp chill. I tightened my arms around myself and trigger forward, feeling goosebumps travel up my arms.

I only stopped twice, the first time was the stop and peer into the dark woods. My dream floated into my brain and a shiver trickled down my back, but I could only laugh at myself. The forest was quiet with no movement, the irrational fear that I felt was useless. Shaking my head I pushed forward, still laughing gently at my own stupidity.

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