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The Hub was buzzing. 

People from every faction gathered to see just who else was going to join. See who stuck to their Faction and who switched. Nothing like a good bit of gossip. 

In the front, closest to the stage, was the order of kids about to choose their fate. At the very beginning of the kids, sat a black haired Amity boy. His fingers drummed on the arm of his seat, he would be the first up. The first of his friends. 

He had made up his mind but now it was wobbly, darting between two ideas, wanting both but not having the option. Yellow fabric stretched over broad shoulders, he didn't look like a typical Amity-wasn't built like one. That was for sure. 

Close to him was a skinny Erudite boy. His brown curls were angled down as he fiddled with something in his hands. His mind raced, he went before his only other friend. Would his decision affect hers? Or would it make her hate him? 

Further down the line was another Amity boy. His blonde curls hung in his face as he leaned forward and held his chin. He was friends with the first boy, had been since he was little. Right now he was fighting a battle in his mind, the same battle that another friend of his was fighting.

The brown haired Amity girl with braids that sat even further down from the end had the same fight. Her mind had been set, but then she had dinner with her parents, now she doubted herself. Could she even make it there? Could she make it here? 

A girl with cinnamon hair and rich dark skin bit her lip. Her mantra of 'a test is just a test', was starting to fail her. She cast a glance to the crowd of Amity, to her mother. Could she do this? Could she not do this and think what would happen if she had for the rest of her life? 

A little ways past her was a boy also making the final decisions on what he would do. His black hair was cut short but that didn't stop the messy look. The grey robes proved him to be from Abnegation. The simple T-shirt and pants he wore under the wrapping robes gave him a choice, just like the bowls that were sitting on the stage did. 

Side by side sat a Candor boy and Dauntless girl. The Candor was straight backed and tapped his foot, his blue eyes darting around the room. The Dauntless girl slouched back in her chair with an arm over the back and a foot in the seat with her. She also had blue eyes, eyes that were closed as she leaned her head back and waited for the damn ceremony to start already. 

Towards the end of the rows of kids was another Dauntless, this one friends with the last. He had black hair like the girl but dark brown eyes, and his hair was much more shaggy to the girl's spiky. His arms were crossed as he leaned back and let his eyes roam over the others. He and the girl were far less nervous than any of the others mentioned, for they knew their path. 

One more Erudite was in our line up, she had curly blonde hair and grey eyes. Her fingers were clasped together, resting in her lap as she sat with a straight spine. Her mind raced with so many plans and thoughts that she stared into space, not glancing around to try and take in the others. 

Besides them was the last Amity child. Her brown hair was braided over her shoulder and for once she wasn't wearing a dress. She had on yellow pants with a red top, her eyes were trained on the stage, where her future lied in a bowl. Her shoulders were back, chin up, and a look of determination set her face. 

When the ceremony started it was tense. The Abnegation leader, Marcus Eaton, gave a short speech then it commenced.

The Choosing.

First up was the black haired Amity. "Frank Zhang." He stood and wiped his hands on his pants before walking up.  The bowls spread out of the counter, first hot coals-Dauntless, then grey stones-Abnegation, water-Erudite, soil-Amity, glass-Candor. Frank picked up the knife, swallowing the lump in his throat. With a quick exhale, he brought the knife down on his palm. It stung but the pain was numbed by the thought of what he was doing. 

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