Testing: Percy

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I was sat on the stool in front of the one mirror in my house. We kept it hidden except for the second day of ever third month so that we could get hair cuts. My mom was trying to tame my messy hair. It stood out amongst the other Abnegations but I didn't have a choice in the matter.

Mom smiled softly as I said sorry for the millionth time. I only watched her in the mirror, I wasn't supposed to look at myself. It was self-indulgent and that was wrong.

Finally I was done, Mom kissed my cheek and let me be off. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun and her blue eyes sparkled. She, just like everyone else in our faction, wore simple grey clothes.

I, myself, had on the simple grey attire. But today I would be learning if I would stay in those grey clothes. Today was the Aptitude Test. I would learn just how well I fit in here.

My mother sent me off and I starting walking to the bus stop. Once on the bus I didn't even sit down, I waited for the others to get on, like I was supposed to. The ride was bumpy and made me get tossed from side to side just a bit.

Once I got to school I made my way to class. I passed people of all the factions. Two Erudite kids were talking about lessons right in the middle of the hall. A blonde, curly haired girl and a short guy with brown curly hair. They both had books but only the blonde girl had hers open.

A blonde Candor teen passed me, he wore the typical black and white. One of his friends seemed to be trying to debate but he kept walking. A group of Amity kids were shuffling down the hall, all with smiles and waves to fellow students.

I glanced out of the window in time to see the Dauntless kids jumping from the train. Two caught my eyes, a girl with a sliver jacket and a boy with a brown jacket. They walked near each other and the girl punched the boy in the shoulder. From this distance that was all I could see.

The classes were halved so that we could do the tests. Everyone took the test once they were 16. I had turned 16 some time last summer but had to finish the school year for the next testing session. I didn't know exactly when my birthday was due to the Abnegation not celebrating things like that.

So that is why I sat in the school cafeteria with every other kids. Candor kids were talking and debating like usual, Erudites were studying as if reading would help them with the test no one was allowed to talk about. Amity kids were all playing games while Dauntless kids were daring each other to arm wrestling and contests of holding their breath.

Then there were the Abnegation kids. Kids who didn't have friends because no one talked about themselves enough to know anyone else. Kids that sat at the table making polite small talk or just smiling while staring at the wall. None of them had their elbows on the table, they all had their backs straight. I tried to do the same but it killed my back.

Finally after so much time sitting that I was about to start pacing, my name was called. I got a nice Amity woman with grey hair and green eyes. She escorted me into room five.

The room was filled with bright light with mirrors covering the walls. I tried not to look at them but I just had to. In the middle of the room was a red chair that looked like something you'd find in a dentist's office. Next to that was a machine, I didn't know what it did but it was intimidating.

I had been worried about my results, but not because I didn't want to be out-casted from my faction. No because if I got something other than Abnegation I would leave my mom. That woman put up with so much just to take care of me and I don't want to leave her. But she had told me to choose what felt right. That she would vist wherever I ended up.

I sat in the chair and glanced over to the woman. "What's your name?" I wasn't supposed to be curious but it was always a fault of mine. Just like how I would jump over a fence instead of walking around it, or break up a fight between two kids.

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