Chapter 8

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Me and Maggie began to drive off towards an old school.
We entered the school there was a few walkers but nothing we couldn't take care of.
"Maggie."I called out to her.
"Yea?"She asked me.
"Can we grab a stuffed animal for the baby?"I asked her.
"Of course."She said.
I decided to grab a duck that I found while Maggie was looking for some formula.
"Okay Bri we can go when you are ready."Maggie called out to me.
"Alright."I yelled back.
"Well if we need anything else it'll be easy to get because it's a straight run from the prison to here."Maggie told me.
"Yea it's good home is close."I told her.
"And where do y'all call home."Someone said while pointing a gun at us.
Maggie turned around and pointed her gun at the guy.Wait this guy looked familiar.
"Uncle Merle?"I asked.
"Uncle?Who the hell do you think you are calling Uncle-"I then turned around showing my vest."Well I'll be damned.Little Bri."My uncle said while lowering his gun then walking towards me.
"Get the hell away from her."Maggie told him.
"Woah woah.It's okay.Right Bri?Nothing to be afraid of."He said still walking towards me.
"No.Stop."Maggie said still pointing the gun at him.
"Put the gun down missy."Merle said.
"Or what?"She asked getting bold.
Merle then held his knife up to my throat.
"I'll kill her.Now you are gonna get in this car and we are gonna go on an adventure."Merle said holding the knife closer to my neck.
"We aren't bringing you back to our camp."Maggie said.
"You're right.You are gonna drive to mine for a little chat."He said.
"NO!"Maggie yelled.
"Get In the car now missy."Merle demanded now pushing the knife even closer.
Maggie went around and got in.Merle then pushed me into the back while still holding the knife on me.

When we got to where Merle was taking us he split me and Maggie up.I got taped down to a chair.Really why me I'm a kid I couldn't take down a walker by myself let alone someone with an actual brain....Oh wait I'm a zombie slayer.

"Now you can't tell me my brother is alive and not tell me where he is."Merle told me.
"I can and I did.My dad could care less about you anymore."I told him.
"You are gonna tell me where you people are living. Or."He was in the middle of saying when he walked behind me and held a knife to my nose.


I began walking up to the prison fence with the formula.My leg was pulsating from the pain.I saw a man holding a baby and a boy besides him with some others.The man then gave the baby to the boy.The man then began walking to the fence opposite of me.My leg began pulsating again and it hurt so I winced grabbing my leg.Then when the pain went away I went back to grabbing the fence so I would still blend in.The walkers must have smelt the blood from my leg on my hand because they began coming at me.I began to limp towards the entrance gate still swinging my sword I dropped the formula.The man and now the boy began running towards the gate.The last thing I saw was a bunch of walkers being shot over my body.

I woke up inside of the prison.

"Why did you have formula?How did you know to find us?"The guy asked.
"A woman and a little girl mentioned a prison as a straight run."I told him.
"Where did our people go?Were they attacked?"He asked me.
"No.Well yes by the governor's right hand man."I told him.
"Where?"He asked.
"A place called woodbury."I told him.
"We have to get them back."The boy said.
"This is Hershel.He is gonna fix you up.I'm Rick."He said pointing to the older guy.
"And when you are better enough to walk you are out of here."Rick told me.
"Rick this will take awhile to heal."Hershel told him.
"She is not staying."Rick whispered to Hershel.



Someone took Bri and Maggie.
I knew we shouldn't have let either of them go.
My dad walked me over away from everyone.

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